Part 35

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After we got ourself together and started making the cake I saw that dove sended me a message. I opened it and it said that they are now at the restaurant. She also asked how far are we on the cake and I replied with: We just started. Give us another hour. Dove just opened my message and didn't say anything back. We started working very quickly even though we both were still covered in flour. We placed the cake in the oven and I did a little trick I learned with baking so that the cake rises faster. After it rose we took it out and quickly covered it with frosting and sprinkles. We placed the cake on a stand and took it to doves room. We hid it in the closet and I was glad the place had a cake holder. Otherwise it will dry out before we try it. We then went and cleaned the kitchen. I saw a old mini fridge and took it to doves room. I plugged it in and it worked. We hid it next to her closet and placed the cake inside. We covered it with a blanket and went back to the kitchen. Dove sended me a message saying that they are now on their way back. Me and Hailee took a bunch of photos of us covered in flour. Hailee sended me the video of us baking and we both agreed to post it after tomorrow's party.

Hailee: So what do you want to do?
Y/n: Let's scare them.
Hailee: Oh yess I'm so in. Il hide in doves closet and u can hide in your closet.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan.

We saw the gate open and we both bolted to our positions. Hailee sended me a message saying that she is ready and I sended a thumbs up back to her. I heard them come in and Dua was walking to the room. She send me a message.


Dua: Where are you guys?
Y/n: Somewhere.
Dua: Oms y/n. Where are u!?
Y/n: Is everything okay?
Dua: No.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Dua: I'm horny.
Y/n: Yeah well I'm sorry love but I haven't come out of the closet yet.
Dua: I know u haven't. The world already knows your mine.

I heard dove scream and Dua started freaking out. She sended me another message.

Dua: Dove just screamed. Something is wrong. What do I do?
Y/n: I'm on my way back. Find a hiding spot.
Dua: How about the closet.
Y/n: Yess.

She opened the closet and I jumped out. She also screamed and ran out of the room. I ran after her and I saw her running to dove. Dove came running out of her room aswel and they bumped into each other. They both fell to the ground and I started laughing. Hailee came and laughed with me. I started crying cause of the laugh and fell down. Hailee laughed at me and did the same. The girls looked at us confused.

Dua: What's so funny? Who are you even?
Y/n: Your worse nightmare horny girl
Dua: Please don't kill us. We have gfs that will be very sad.
Y/n: That's fucked up Dua.

I removed the flour from my face and so did Hailee. They both saw that it was us and looked at us madly.

Dua: What the fuck y/n. I almost pissed myself.
Dove:You almost pissed yourself? I fucking crapped myself.
Hailee: If we knew you guys were so easily scared we would've done it a long time ago.
Y/n: I agree Hailee. Also dove go change your diaper. Dua il change yours for u.
Dua: Oh.
Dove: Someone is getting sex
Hailee: Y/n go easy on her. We want her to walk tonight.
Y/n: Oh but she deserves to be punished for not knowing it was me.
Dua: I'm fucked.

I picked Dua up and took her back to my room. I then locked the door and started taking off my clothes.

Y/n: Choose now or later.
Dua: What do you mean?
Y/n: I can fuck the shit out of you now or later tonight. Choose wisely cause tonight I'm sub and now I'm Dom.
Dua: Tonight it is then.
Y/n: Good. I'm going to go shower. You wanna join?
Dua: Yeah. Why are you even covered in flour?
Y/n: Don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to.
Dua: Noted.

We hopped in the shower and Dua helped me clean up. She then grabbed my neck and pushed my back against the wall. She started making out with me. I was shocked at first but then saw her tatic so I turned us around and kissed her hard. I went down to her neck and started sucking on her sweet spot. She left whimpers left and right. I then touched her heat with my one hand. The other hand I used to open the door. In that split second I got out and she was still inside.

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