Part 29

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I started laughing at Hailee and tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm. I stopped and looked her dead in the eye.

Y/n: Oh shit are you serious?
Hailee: Yess I am y/n.
Y/n: Well too bad cause I ain't getting stitches.
Dua: Maybe we should just let a doctor decide y/n.
Y/n: I'm not going.

I pulled my arm away from Hailee and walked off. Dua followed me while I went and sat on my balcony. She came and sat next to me.

Dua: Please y/n. Let's just make sure your okay.
Y/n: Dua I really love you but no.
Dua: Why are you so afraid of going?
Y/n: Im fine Dua.
Dua: If you don't go then il cancel my show.
Y/n: You can't do that to the people.
Dua: I can it's my show.
Y/n: Dua I don't mind going to check my arm out it's just that I hate needles. I'm scared of them.
Dua: Oh that makes so much sense. Let's just let them check you out and see if we can treat it without stitches. Does that sound good?
Y/n: Yeah.

I hugged her and she picked me up like a baby. My legs went around her waist and my arms were around her neck. She took me downstairs and went to her car. She placed me down in the passenger seat and closed the door. She then went to her side and got in. She started the car and drove out.

Dua: I have a private doctor that is a close friend of mine. I'm taking you to him so that he checks you out oky?
Y/n: Oky.

She drove to the place with a good amount of speed. We arrived shortly after and my arm started hurting badly. I cried a little to myself without Dua knowing. We got out of the car and Dua took me in directly to her friend. His name was Brian.

Dua: Hi Brian.
Brian: Hello Dua. What are you here for today?
Dua: Well this is my lovely gf and she got hurt while playing laser tag. The shocker burned her and we're here just to take a check up.
Brian: Oh alright. Hi I'm Brian.
Y/n: Hi Brian im y/n.
Brian: So let's see your arm.

I showed him my arm and she examed it closely.

Brian: This is very deep. Y/n How is your pain?
Y/n: It was alright in the beginning but now it burns.
Dua: Why didn't you tell me?
Y/n: Cause this only started now Dua.
Brian: Well I need to take a blood test and put stitches in.
Y/n: Hell nah. I'm out.

I said that and tried to walk away but Dua grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

Dua: Is there another way?
Brian: Dua there isn't. I have to test the blood to make sure that hers is safe and not in danger and if it's not stitched it will cause a infection.
Dua: She is scared of needles Brian.
Brian: Oh uhm y/n. I will use a tiny needle to make your arm go number so that you won't feel anything.
Dua: Does that sound good?
Y/n: Il do it but don't make me see the needle.
Dua: Il cover your eyes my love.

He took me over to the bed and made me lay down. Dua came and closed my eyes with her hand while kissing my head a bunch of times. I saw a tiny gap and then I saw it. He said the needle was going to be tiny but that was big. I felt dizzy and everything went black.

Dua pov

Y/n was not moving a inch. I lifted my hand to see if she was alright but her eyes was closed. Was she sleeping?

Dua: Brian she is sleeping I think.
Brian: Let me see.

He moved closer to y/n's face and it made me uncomfortable. He then started laughing in her face and looked back at me.

Brian: She passed out Dua.
Dua: What? How?
Brian: She must have seen the needle. This makes it a lot easier.

He stuck the needle in her arm and numbed it. He then started taking blood and placed it in a tube. After he was done with that he cleaned y/n's wound and started stitching it. She got 4 stitches for each hole. She then woke up.

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