part 2

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I turned around and couldn't figure out who it was. I thought it was Dua for a second but then I remembered she hated me. So I just stared at this person not knowing who it is.

Unknown: Hi I'm Hailee and sorry for bothering you. You just sat here and my body pulled me closer to see if you were alright.
Y/n: Oh hi Hailee I'm y/n and no I'm fine.
Hailee: Do you mind if I join you?
Y/n: Not at all.

Hailee sat down next to me and for some reason I felt a happiness wash over me. I never had any friends so maybe I can befriend her.

Hailee: So why are you sitting here all alone?
Y/n: Well. I met Dua lipa today and she was a bit rude to me. I mean it was my fault by accidentally bumping into her and spilling my drink onto her. So yeah that's that.
Hailee: She not usually mean. That's not the Dua I know.
Y/n: How do you know Dua?
Hailee: We met a few times by award shows and she was always friendly.
Y/n: Is it funny that I think your Hailee Steinfeld now.
Hailee: Yeah it's funny cause I am.
Y/n: Wait actually?

I took my phone and turned my torch on. It was her. Now I feel stupid for talking about Dua like that.

Y/n: Wow alright.
Hailee: Don't tell me your a fan pls.
Y/n: I'm not one of those fans that would pass out if they see you but I admire your work.
Hailee: Thank you. Also about Dua il sort her out for you.
Y/n: Nah just leave her. If she knew the truth she would never have screamed at me.
Hailee: What truth?

I feel like I can trust her and I really wanted a friend at this point.

Y/n: Well my mother hid me for 26 years. I never had friends cause she doesn't want the media to ruin me in anyway. So yeah.
Hailee: Why would your mother do that?
Y/n: Cause she is the owner of the most popular clothing brand.
Hailee: Witch one? Versace, Gucci?
Y/n: Versace.
Hailee: Wait your mother is donatella herself?
Y/n: Yeah. Also please don't tell anyone cause she would freak out if the world knew and she would lock me up forever.
Hailee: I won't trust me. I wanna befriend you if you will let me.
Y/n: Sure. Here is my number.
Hailee: Thanks.

I gave her my number and she was smiling widely while she took it.

Hailee: Don't worry about Dua.
Y/n: I won't thanks. Hey I have a crazy idea.
Hailee: What's it?
Y/n: What if I told my mom that I told you and then she will let you come over and hang out and stuff.
Hailee: That's not a bad idea? Wanna do it now?
Y/n: Yesss.

I stood up and held my hand out to Hailee. She took it happily and we started walking off back to my house. I called my mom saying I'm bringing a guest. She was unsure but said we will talk about it when we get there. When we arrived I opened the door to find my mom on her phone while sitting on the couch. She stood up and smiled while hugging Hailee.

Y/n: So mom as you know this is Hailee.
Don: Yess. One of the most beautiful girls I've seen.
Hailee: Thanks.
Y/n: Mom I told Hailee.
Don: Wait what?
Y/n: she won't tell anyone I promise.
Don: Aish really?
Hailee: Don't worry I won't tell anyone. Don't you think it's a bit unfair for y/n to have no friends?
Don: Oky fine. Hailee I trust you. Y/n you better make your friend stay quiet.
Y/n: Yessss thank you mommmm.
Don: Yeah yeah. Hailee where are you staying?
Hailee: On the other side of the cafe down street.
Y/n: Mom can she come to the show tm?
Don: Yeah sure. Hailee do you wanna stay the night so that we can go together?
Hailee: Sure let me go grab some clothes.
Y/n: Yesss. Imma go with u.

We walked out and it started raining. Hailee was covering herself while I was dancing in the rain. She took a video of me and started to join me. We sang while we danced our way over to her house. When we entered I was amazed. It was so modern. It was a different kind of modern that we had and I loved it.

Hailee: I'm so happy your mom is chill.
Y/n: Me too.
Hailee: Help yourself to anything imma go get some clothes and stuff.
Y/n: Alright.

She walked off and I sat on the couch. I decided it's time I get Instagram. I filled in everything and uploaded a profile pic. I followed Hailey and Dua. Aswel as my mom. My account was private and Dua requested to follow me. I accepted and Hailee did aswel.

Hailee: Is this you?
Y/n: Yeah it's my insta I just made.
Hailee: Oh alr. Il send you the video.
Y/n: You can also post it if you wanna. The caption can say just met a new friend and she is crazy 🤣 Or something.
Hailee: That's a good caption. Il do it now.

She did it and tagged me. I also did the same and uploaded the video to my insta. A bunch of people requested me so I decided to just make the account public.

Y/n: The world will know me as hailee's friend and I'm not complaining.
Hailee: I'm glad. Let's go back.
Y/n: Wait what that noise?
Hailee: Oh it's martini.
Y/n: Wait the pup from Hawkeye?
Hailee: Yess do you wanna meet her?
Y/n: Yeah. I love animals.

Hailee took me upstairs to martini and she was adorable. She was shy to me at first and then jumped on my while licking my face.

Hailee: Awwh she like you.
Y/n: Why don't you bring her with?
Hailee: Am I allowed to?
Y/n: I'm sure it will be fine as long as she is well behaved.
Hailee: She is very.
Y/n: Oky then let's take her with.

Hailee placed a leash on Martini while her bag was in her other hand. I took it from her was walked martini back to my house. My mom loves animals so she won't mind martini joining. When we got back my mom went straight for martini and gave her a lot of kisses. I took Hailee to the spare room. She placed everything down. I showed her where my room is and everything in the house. She looked so happy. My room had a tv. The spare room didn't. So we sat layed next to each other while watching a movie. Martini was still with my mom.

Hailee: I'm getting tired.
Y/n: You know you can share the bed with me. I don't bite.
Hailee: I would really like that. It feels weird being in the spare room.
Y/n: That's what friends are for.
Hailee: Wait I gotta get a pic of our first night as friends.
Y/n: Oms.

I placed my emoji plushie on my face(😇) and Hailee found my other one and placed it on her face aswel (🤭). She took the pic and we laughed so hard. I got up after everything and grabbed my PJs and changed in the bathroom. When I came back Hailee was also changed and I dove onto the bed.

Y/n: We should probably get sleep cause we have a big day tm.
Hailee: Awwh. Oky.
Y/n: Aren't you tired? It's like 12
Hailee: I know and I usually sleep at 2am.
Y/n: Oh alr. Just so you know your going to be dressed in Versace tm.
Hailee: Oky sound good.

After that we fell asleep waiting for the next morning to happen

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