Part 39

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Dua made me put on a blindfold as we entered the house. She then walked me to a part of the house. I was very confused and heard a bunch of giggles. I was still trying to figure out where I was until Dua removed my blindfold. Everyone was here. They all screamed happy birthday. I started to tear up and Dua hugged me.

Y/n: Thank you so much Dua.
Dua: Pleasure love. Now go and mingle before we have a movie night.
Y/n: Did you invite Kris?
Dua: Yeah their whole squad is here. I slid in their dm's.
Y/n: Thanks Dua.

I quickly kissed her before running off to greet people. Our whole girl group was here and kris group. Scarlett and Florence made me down a beer can and Dua laughed. Lizzy thought that it was dumb but didn't fight us. I looked around and saw the place where we will be having the movie night.

 I looked around and saw the place where we will be having the movie night

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Everything was perfect. Just perfect and I love my life. I got the world's most perfect girlfriend and I got the best people in the world as my friends. I went to Kris and Celina. They were holding each a puppy. They turned around when they saw me. I was confused and walked up to them.

Y/n: Kris?Celina?
Kris: So I think we ruined the surprise.
Celina: Yeah we totally did.
Y/n: What are you guys talking about?

They turned around and Lula was in Kris hands and Celina had bailey.

Y/n: How?When?Where?Huh?
Kris: Your mom brought them here for you guys.
Celina: Surprise.
Don: Hi love. Sorry I'm late to your birthday party.
Y/n: Mom!

I gave her a big hug and held her tight. I haven't seen her in a while and it's been hard without her, like I'm so used to her being around all the time and she is always there for me through thick and thin. Kris placed Lula down and she came up to us. I let go of my mom and picked Lula up. She licked my face and Dua came to us. She saw bailey and Celina placed bailey down. Bailey ran to me and Dua picked him up. Dexter was already next to Dua and not leaving her side. We both were a mess and emotional cause we missed the pups. Dua thanked my mom and my mom just hugged her.

Dua: So do you like this party sofar?
Y/n: Yess very much mi amor. Thank you.
Dua: It's my pleasure love. Now let's get a drink and watch the movie.
Y/n: What are we watching?
Dua: Oh the new nun.
Y/n: Yess.

Dua pov

Y/n ran off and told everyone to get a drink and find a place to sit on the bean bags. She then got us both a drink and ran to the popcorn guy. She got us some popcorn to share and sat in the front middle. Everyone came and the guy started the movie. I was sat next to her and Hailee was sat on the other side. The movie started and it was already scary. Y/n just laughed through the movie. Everyone was scared asf but no y//n was laughing.

Dua: Love you know your very creepy when you laugh at horror movies?
Y/n: I know it makes it ten times more fun, cause you guys get scared of me.
Dua: Omfs your unbelievable.
Hailee: I can't agree more.
Y/n: 😂😂😂.

Y/n pov

I was laughing cause I wanted to scare everyone and also cause I was scared myself and I didn't want anyone to know. Hailee tapped my hand and she whispered to me.

Y/n: Yeah?
Hailee: Your scared and your trying to hide it.
Y/n: Hell no. This movie is not even scary.
Hailee: If you say so.

I wasn't focusing and a jump scare came one. I jumped on Duas lap and everyone laughed. Hailee just gave me the look that she was right and I just laughed at her. After the movie we all hanged out eating pizza and enjoying the night. I would take meat peaces out for Lula and fed her secretly. She loved every second of me sneaking food for her. Dua caught us and just brushed it off while I giggled. Later that night everyone went to bed accept me and Dua. Someone told us that the ocean lights up when you kick it and the waves looks magical. We both sneaked off and walked on the beach. We were barefoot and it felt so romantic.

Dua: I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you more 💖
Dua: Wanna see if the waves lit up and the water?
Y/n: Yeah

We walked to the water and it was just like the people said it was, magical. We started to take pics of the water before jumping into it.

 We started to take pics of the water before jumping into it

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We then started to dance in the water and Dua tripped

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We then started to dance in the water and Dua tripped. She fell down while grabbing me and we both went down. We just sat there in the water laughing. Hailee and dove came down to us and started to take pics of us. We kissed each other for a cute pic and then grabbed the girls to join us. They did and we were having a blast. I don't know how I got so lucky to have these people in my life but I know that they will always be by my side no matter what. I love them with all of my heart and can't wait for our journey to continue.


Hope you guys liked the book. Thank you guys for so much support on this book and il see you on the next one.

Il see you guys soon. Very soon mwah!  💖💖💖✨✨💖✨💖💖✨✨✨💖💖💖💖💖

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