Part 30

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I woke up before Dua. She was sleeping so peacefully. I held her tight in my arms. The pain was better but it was still sore. I decided to get up and walk the dogs. I placed a pillow for Dua to hold onto. I then got out and started dressing. I decided to wear this.

I then went downstairs after brushing my teeth

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I then went downstairs after brushing my teeth. Lula followed me down and I placed her leash on her. I then placed my wallet inside my handbag and went out to the car. I placed Lula in the passenger seat and got in. Hailee came out and into the garage just as I wanted to go. I opened my window to talk to her.

Hailee: Morning.
Y/n: Morning.
Hailee: Where are you heading?
Y/n: Gonna take Lula for a walk.
Hailee: Oh oky.
Y/n: You wanna come with?
Hailee: I can't. I have a meeting soon with my manager.
Y/n: Good luck with that.
Hailee: Thanks.

I drove out and into the road. I decided to stop at Joe and the juice. I got out and took lula out with me. I placed her down and walked inside. A lady showed me to a open seat and I sat there. Lula layed beside me while I was busy looking for a nice smoothie. I saw a blueberry and watermelon mixed smoothie. The lady came back and I told her that I wanted that one and thanked her. I went on my phone and got a email. Warren brothers wanted to sigh a contract with me to be a artist. What the actual fuck? My smoothie came and I decided to go home and tell Dua the news. I stopped for some champagne and sushi on the way back. I had my smoothie in one hand and the other hand on the steering wheel. I got home fast and drove in. I parked my car and got out. I let lula jump out and took her leash off. I grabbed the sushi and the champagne. I then went inside and went directly for the champagne glasses. Dua was awake and just walked into the kitchen.

Dua: Whoa. What are we celebrating?
Y/n: Something big.
Dua: Morning love.
Y/n: Morning.
Dua: So what are we celebrating.
Y/n: It's a secret.
Dua: Come on tell me.
Y/n: You can find out by calling your record dealer and ask them who they wanted to sign with.
Dua: Actually?
Y/n: Yess.
Dua: Omg babe I'm so proud of you. Come here.

I went to her and jumped on her. I hugged her tightly and then kissed her.

Dua: Wow this is big for you y/n.
Y/n: Yess it is. I have to call my mom.

I handed her a glass full of champagne and we cheered. I then called my mom.

Don: Hi y/n. How are you feeling?
Y/n: I'm good mom. Guess what?
Don: What Hun?
Y/n: Warren brothers want to sign with me.
Don: Oh my gosh. Mi amor that sounds amazing I'm so proud of you my daughter.
Y/n: Thank you mom.
Don: Are you guys going to celebrate?
Y/n: Yess me and Dua already have our own glass of champagne and some sushi.
Don: That sounds amazing. Il call you later I have to go Hun but congratulations.
Y/n: Thanks mom.
Don: Also remember your birthday is soon.
Y/n: Just don't tell everyone please.
Don: Its gonna be your first birthday with friends and the love of your life.
Y/n: Yeah I know.
Don: Well we will see what happens love. See you soon.
Y/n: Bye mom.

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