Part 6

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The door opened and it was a tall man. He had a big beard and looked like he was in his 40s. Dua saw him and went to give him a hug. She also gave him a kiss? Ewww he is so old and she is so young. I took lula on her leash after she came out from under the bed and walked out. Dua did say my name but I didn't bother looking at her. I felt jealous? Why? I walked to Hailee and dove. The show was about to start apparently. I sat next to Hailee and dove sat on my other side. A guy started talking and I zoned out.

Hailee: Psst y/n?
Y/n: Oh yeah sorry.
Hailee: What's up with you?
Y/n: I don't know.
Hailee: Let's go talk.

Hailee took my hand and I saw Dua sitting with the guy. She looked madly at Hailee and when she saw I was giving daggers back at her she just rolled her eyes and kissed her man. Hailee took me inside into a room and locked the door. Martini and Lula went and layed next to each other.

Hailee: What's up?
Y/n: Well I got Dua a pup cause she misses her doggie that Anwar took long story short her boyfriend came into the room and kissed her and I felt a bit off and walked out.
Hailee: Oee someone has a crush on the devil.
Y/n: That's the thing I didn't even know I was gay. I'm questioning myself now and it's too much.
Hailee: I have been through the same until I focused on myself and realized I'm bi.
Y/n: Oh that's really nice. I support you fully.
Hailee: Thanks y/n. Hey maybe you need a side chick to help you forget about Dua.
Y/n: Yeah no.
Hailee: Come on it will be fun.
Y/n: Not happening.
Hailee: Pfft fine. Also I can see the way Dua looks at you. She get jealous when I hold your hand.
Y/n: Yeah I saw.
Hailee: I wanna test her and see what she will do.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Hailee: Well imma keep holding your hand and stay close to you.
Y/n: Oh alr that's fine.
Hailee: Wanna take it a step further?
Y/n: Sure what's your idea?
Hailee: I can give you kisses on your cheeks aswel as a good friend will do and hold you by your waist.
Y/n: Not the mouth tho but sure we can do that.
Hailee: Oky so everything sorted out?
Y/n: Yepp. Let's give them a fucking show.
Hailee: Fuck yeah.

We walked out and Hailee immediately placed her arm around my waist. It was so funny to me that we are trying to break Dua. We sat back in our places and she placed her hand on my thighs. I placed my hand on top of hers as we watched the show. It wasn't that bad. When the models were done Dua and my mom walked the cat walk together waving. After that the real party started. Hailee went off and took pics with some of the other celebs. I took one with her aswel and with my mom but no one knew I was her daughter. Anyways I am currently sitting at the bar with my gin waiting for dove or Hailee to finish. I wished I was with them when I saw Dua coming towards me. Maybe she is coming to the bar. I stood up and went around the corner with Lula. Did I forget to mention Dua just left her puppy in the room. I kinda did feel bad for him so when I was out of sight I went inside from the other side and got him. I went back outside and let him play with Lula.

Dua: They seem really close.
Y/n: Wtf Dua you scared me.
Dua: Mhm.

I stayed silent cause I was raging by now. If Dua didn't have time for him or if she is going to treat him like that then imma take him away cause maybe Anwar was right to take Dexter away. Wait no. That's not me and none of my business.

Y/n: Got a name for him yet?
Dua: Yeah. It's bailey.
Y/n: Oky cool.

I said that and stood up. I walked over to Lula and picked her up. I then walked away but only to be followed by Dua carrying her puppy.

Dua: We should take a photo of them together. With us holding them.
Y/n: No thanks. Don't like photos.
Dua: You always take photos with Hailee?
Y/n: Well she deserves it.Not u. Why are you stalking me? Now leave me alone and never come near me again.
Dua: What has gotten into you?

Before I could open my mouth Romain her boyfriend walked to her and I just rolled my eyes and walked away. My mom told me about him and I hated that guy. He is only using Dua for fame. I walked over to my mom and she looked happy to see me.

Don: hey y/n.
Y/n: Hi imma go back home.
Don: Wait why?
Y/n: Don't feel to good.
Don: Should I come with you?
Y/n: No it's okay.
Don: Oky honey go get some rest il call my personal driver to take you home.
Y/n: Oky thanks.
Don: He will be here in 10 min.
Y/n: Oky I'm going to greet my friends.
Don: Call me if you need anything.
Y/n: Will do. Bye.

I walked off to Hailee and dove. They saw me and came to me.

Y/n: Hey guys.
Hailee: Hey. What's up you don't look to good
Y/n: I'm fine. Imma go home in about like 8min.
Dove: Wait why?
Hailee: Yeah why? Are you sure your okay?
Y/n: Yeah I'm alright guys I'm just tired. I'm more of a antisocial person so imma just go.
Hailee: Can I come with?
Y/n: You can but I will be sleeping most of the time.
Hailee: Yess and also I told dove about Dua if you didn't mind.
Dove: Yeah I'm sorry she is a bitch to you?
Y/n: It's more like I'm the bitch at the moment.
Hailee: Wait why?

I told them what had happened and I know I take little things to serious but oh well. Dove said she is going to stay here and watch Dua for us. Not like I wanted that but she can do what she wants I guess. My driver came after about 5min of talking. Me and Hailey got in with the pups and the driver asked where to and I said home. He then did as he was told and when we got back I went straight for my bed but only to be stopped by Hailee.

Hailee: Girls night.
Y/n: What are you talking about? Can I go sleep?
Hailee: I know your feeling overwhelmed right now so imma show you how I used to deal with it. Get in some comfortable clothes and il do the rest.
Y/n: Oky what ever. If I fall asleep on you then it's your fault.
Hailee: Haha I won't mind. Your like a warmer and you keep me warm when I get cold so I don't mind.
Y/n: Uh huh imma go get dressed.
Hailee: Okie enjoy.

I went and got dressed. When I came back to the living room Hailee was also dressed in comfortable clothes. Martinis dress was off and so was Lula's scarf thing. She patted a spot next to me and I sat down. She shared her blanket with me.

Hailee: So what are we going to watch?
Y/n: I don't know. You can choose.
Hailee: Oky what type of movie genre are you mostly into.
Y/n: Thriller and horror. Also love a good documentary.
Hailee: Alr.

Just as she said that the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it. It was a guy with a bucket of ice scream and 2 boxes of pizzas.

Hailee: Oh il get that.
Y/n: Alr.

She went and got the stuff. She brought it to where we were sitting and I had the most best idea ever. We watch it in my room so I can sleep lmao.

Y/n: Hailee what's all of this?
Hailee: Stuff for us to eat silly. Also wanna watch a movie in your room. I'm scared your going to fall asleep here and I don't want you to sleep on the couch.
Y/n: Awwh and I thought you are going to carry me when I fall asleep.
Hailee: I'm not that strong.
Y/n: I'm not that fat.
Hailee: I know you aren't. Your perfect y/n.
Y/n: I know let's go to my room. Il grab us a drink and 2 spoons.
Hailee: Sounds good.

She went up stairs and I grabbed a bottle of wine with some glasses. I also took 2 spoons with. When I got inside Hailee was already on a movie. I sat down next to her and opened the wine.

Y/n: Shit I forgot to ask. Do you drink wine?
Hailee: Yess and the one in your hand is my fav.
Y/n: Oky good. What movie are we watching?
Hailee: Oh it's a surprise.
Y/n: Probably have seen it before.
Hailee: Nah.

I gave her, her glass full of wine and placed mine down next to me. The ice scream was next to the bed and I placed the two spoons on top of it. We then ate our pizzas and watched the movie. I fell asleep on hailee's shoulder after we both ate out pizzas and some ice scream. I held her close to me and I didn't mind. She didn't either just two best friends trying to heal what's broken of one another.

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