Part 11

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We entered the house. The pups was happy to see us. The two came running to us. Lula went to Dua and bailey went to me. I was laughing cause of the mix up. Dua gave Lula to me and I gave bailey to her.

Dua: They mixed us up?
Y/n: Maybe they like the both of us the same way. Idk.
Dua: Yeah maybe? So what do you wanna do now?
Y/n: Well idk. Wanna watch a movie?
Dua: Sure. What genre do you like?
Y/n: I love horror. Also documentaries.
Dua: Same. Il choose the movie.
Y/n: Oky il get the snacks.

Dua got dressed in PJs and I did aswel.
Dua went over to the couch and was busy looking for a movie while I made some popcorn and grabbed us some wine for the pantry. Apparently this is one of Duas fav. I opened it and poured us both a glass. The popcorn was done by now so I took it out and placed it in a bowl.

Y/n: Do you want salt and vinegar on our popcorn?
Dua: Yeah I don't mind.
Y/n: Oky.

I poured the salt and vinegar and then went to the couch. I placed the popcorn Down in the middle of us. I went back and got our drink. I gave Dua her wine while I sat next to the popcorn.

Y/n: Have you found a movie yet?
Dua: I don't know what to choose?
Y/n: Oms. Let me see.

I took the remote and scrolled a bit. I found the conjuring 3. I haven't seen it yet. So I turned to Dua who gave me a nod so I clicked play. I placed my wine down and focused on the movie. I was smart cause there was a jump scare and I jumped on Dua.

Dua: I thought you said you loved horror?
Y/n: Yess I do. It doesn't mean I don't get scared.
Dua: Oms. Would you like me to keep you safe?
Y/n: Yess.

She placed the popcorn on the table in front of us and opened her blanket for me. I quickly got in and layed on her shoulder. She placed her arm around me. We continued to watch the movie and I swear Dua was scared. She was just acting tuff. I started laughing at how cute she was.

Dua: Why are you laughing? What's so funny about a horror movie?
Y/n: It is funny how your acting tuff. Dua I can see your scared.
Dua: No I am not. Pfft. Your the one who is scared.
Y/n: Yeah yeah whatever. Just remember this for me. It's oky to show your emotions.
Dua: I will.

The movie continued and I fell asleep on Duas shoulder.

Duas pov

How is she sleeping during a horror? Wasn't she scared a min ago? Oh she is smart. I will give it to her. I paused the movie and picked her up. I then took her to her bed and placed her down and covered her. I placed Lula with her but bailey wanted to join them. There is no way I'm leaving my pup with her so I went downstairs and cleaned up. I saw she opened my fav wine. Did she planned this? Did she know? Dua stop overthinking. I then went back upstairs and joined them. I allowed bailey on the bed and we slept.

Y/n pov

I woke up to Dua next to me. I quickly took a photo if this was a dream then I had prove. Lula and bailey was being loud and I can see they wanted to go outside so I took them out after I got some slippers on my feet. I grabbed my vape on the way out. No one knew I vaped and I liked to keep it that way. I was sitting outside of the backyard on a swinging chair with my coffie and my vape. It was a ice watermelon
Disposable. I enjoyed the view and kept a close eyes on the pup.

Dua pov

I woke up to the bed being cold. I went and looked out of the balcony window and saw y/n laying on a swinging chair with a vape? Why didn't she tell me? I grabbed some slippers and went outside. She jumped up and tried to hide it.

Y/n pov

Just as I took a pull Dua came out. I looked stupid trying to hide it. She started laughing. Why is she laughing?

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