Part 25

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I woke up before Dua. She was sleeping so peacefully. I watched her closely, looking at all of the features on her face. She then opened her eyes.

Dua: Morning love.
Y/n: Morning. Did you sleep well?
Dua: Yeah I did. How about you?
Y/n: Yess I had a amazing dream.
Dua: Oh is that so? What was it about?
Y/n: Someone.
Dua: Oh.. was it me?
Y/n: Yess my love.

Dua kissed me before climbing out of bed. Ah did she really think she is getting away from me in this comfy bed? Nah uh. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back inside. She wanted to go but I went and sat on top of her.

Dua: What are you doing y/n? 😂
Y/n: Your not going anywhere.
Dua: I have a podcast episode to record.
Y/n: Shame.

I kissed her hard and it took her a few seconds to flip us over again. She kissed me hard before bolting out of the door. Ah that bitch. I quickly followed her and grabbed her in a hug.

Dua: I have to y/n.
Y/n: I know. Enjoy it Dua.

I let her go and walked back over to my room. I got dressed and decided to take the puppies on a walk. Hailee came into my room while I was dressing.

Hailee: Morning.
Y/n: Morning Hailee.
Hailee: What you up to?
Y/n: Gonna take the pups for a walk while Dua is busy.
Hailee: Can I join you?
Y/n: Yes.

She ran to her room and got dressed. We both met each other downstairs. She placed martinis leash on her and I placed the other 3 pups leashes on them.

Hailee: Do you want me to walk Dexter?
Y/n: Yess please.

She took Dexter and I grabbed my phone and wallet. A sudden thought hitted me. I need to start working. I can't live on my mom's money forever. I have a bio degree, music degree and a few more. I was homeschooled and did my university online. Hailee quickly got my attention back.

Hailee: Y/n? you okay there?
Y/n: Yeah sorry. Just thinking about something.
Hailee: We will talk about it on the walk. Are we gonna stop for breakfast?
Y/n: Yeah we can stop at a restaurant or something.
Hailee: Cool.

Just as we wanted to go dove came running down.

Dove: Morning guys.
Y/n: Morning dove.
Hailee: Morning. Why are you running?
Dove: Can I come with?

Dove was already dressed and everything.

Y/n: Yess ofc you can. Do you wanna walk bailey?
Dove: Yess please.

I gave her the leash and we were out. We decided to drive to park street cause it was a bit far away to walk. We arrived after a short drive and got out. Dove did arrange security for us in the car. The security team met us there. We started our walk around the streets.

Hailee: So what did you think about y/n?
Y/n: Oh. I think I'm going to get a job. I can't live on my mom's money forever.
Dove: That's not a bad idea.
Hailee: What job do you have in mind?
Y/n: Well I have a few degrees behind my name. Like a music degree and a bio degree. Maybe I should become a record producer?
Hailee: Yeah that sounds good or you can just become a artist.
Dove: I am with Hailee on that idea.
Y/n: It is something to consider.

We walked passed a zoo and I wanted to check it out.

Y/n: I've never been in a zoo before. You guys wanna go in?
Hailee: Yess.
Dove: Sure.

We walked in and I payed everything for us and our security team. The people went nuts when they saw us. Luckily dove had security for us. They held the people back as we walked around and saw some amazing animals. We met a cute giraffe calf and we were allowed to go inside his enclosure

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