Part 32

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Duas pov

I was awake before y/n and decided to get up and ready. I quickly got dressed and drove to a flower shop. I got her a bunch of red roses. I then went and got her a teddy cause I need a apologize I'm some way. I also got her some small heart shaped chocolates because I know she doesn't like too much chocolate.

 I also got her some small heart shaped chocolates because I know she doesn't like too much chocolate

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I then drove back home and placed everything next to her

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I then drove back home and placed everything next to her. She slowly woke up and smiled. She turned to me with tears in her eyes.

Y/n: What is all this?
Dua: I'm so sorry y/n. I trust you with all of my heart. We shouldn't have fought last night over something stupid.
Y/n: Thank you dua and I'm also sorry. I shouldn't have lied to where I was going.
Dua: If it involves presents then you have a right to lie.

Y/n pov

I kissed her hard and she kissed me back. I held onto her tightly while we were kissing. We lost breath after a while and I pinned her against the bed.

Dua: What are you doing?
Y/n: I have to give you my present now. Since we're giving presents to say sorry.
Dua: The door is open tho.

I quickly got up and locked my door. I then went back to Dua and started kissing her. I went down to her neck and left my marks. She whimpered under me and it drove me crazy. I took her clothes off and she tried to pleasure me. I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. I took her clothes off with my free hand and she tried to break free but my grip was too strong.

Y/n: Keep your hands up and if you don't il cuff them.
Dua: Yess mam.

I then went down her colour bone and to her boobs. I placed my mouth over one of her boobs and started kissing it. My other hand was massaging her other boob. After I was satisfied I went down. I kissed and bit her inner thigh in witch caused her to moan a little. I then started rubbing her cult slowly.

Dua: Stop teasing me
Y/n: Oh but you deserve it.
Dua: Please y/n
Y/n: Please what? Princess.
Dua: Stop teasing me
Y/n: Tell me what I have to do?
Dua: Fuck me y/n.
Y/n: Good girl.

I pushed my fingers between her folds and she let out a moan. I giggled a little. I added a finger and moved in a steady pace. She tried to touch me but moved her hands away each time. Her walls started to built up and she came. I took a big lick on her cult and she whimpered under me. I ate her up and went up to her face. I kissed her on the cheek and stood up.

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