You have a secret talent and he find out (gymnastics)

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*EDITED ON 12/20/2016*

Dean- you where home alone while he Sam and Dean where getting food and you decided to stay home. You where bored so you went out side in the back yard and you where also Hyper so you decided to do some tumbling (the 1st video) and you did a round off back handspring back tuck and you hadn't noticed the back door open. then when you had finished you heard clapping and you looked to see Dean standing there and he said "That was freaking amazing (Y/N)! Why didn't you tell me that you were so talented?" You smiled and looked down embarrassed and said "It never came up so I didn't tell anyone." Dean smiled and said "Well as I already said it was amazing."

Sam-you told the guys that you where going outside to get some fresh air because Cas was upstairs and he got into deans cologne and he thought it smelt really good so he sprayed it everywhere! So you where out back and you wanted to do something you hadn't done in a while Gymnastics you can't do it as often because you are a hunter and Sam and Dean where looking for a case while Cas was still spraying cologne everywhere. So you did a Gymnastics routine you had learned when you where little. And you did a round off back hand spring back tuck and then 2 more back hand springs then when you had finished you did a scorpion
And a split jump. You didn't know someone had been watching you the whole time when you heard 3 voices yelling and clapping saying how good you where. But 1 voice stood out and you turned around to see Sam and he smiled down at you and said "You where amazing (Y/N) I have never seen that much talent and flexibility from 1 person but (Y/N) wow! Just wow!" You smiled and blushed and said "Thank you I had learned when I took tumbling a few years ago when I was a child." Dean came over and said "What the Hell was that? Cause it was awesome!!" You smiled and hugged Dean and said "Thank you" then Cas came up and said "Can you teach me that?" And you laughed lightly and said "sure we can start with a cartwheel and then go into a round off ok?" Cas smiled and said "Ok" you did a cart wheel and told Cas how to put his legs and his hands and he did on well tried. He landed on his knees and he asked "Why didn't it work did my legs not make a rainbow?" That just made You Sam and Dean laugh and Sam came up and kissed you and said "Just keep trying Cas. (Y/N) is amazing she can teach you." You said once agin "thank you Sam."

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