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Dean- "OH MY YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You yell. You where binge watching a show you loved Arrow (or any other show) and something you didn't like just happened and you where on your period. So your period you have off the chart hormones. So you can be mad one minute sad the next. Dean had heard you scream and came in and said "What (Y/N)?" You looked at Dean ready to cry and you said "They...they...but. But they can't do that!!" You where going on about your favorite show and then Dean said " Awe (Y/N) it's ok." Then all of the sudden you where happy and said "Yay! Ice cream!" You ran into the kitchen and Dean shook his head muttering "Dear Lord get me through this week."

Sam- TFIOS and the Notebook that did it. Sam and Dean where on a hunt and you where sitting on the couch crying wondering what you where doing with your life. All of the sudden Sam and Dean walked through the door from the hunt you sniffled and asked "How did the hunt go?" Dean said "It went good. Hey (Y/N) are you ok?" Hearing that question Sam's head shot up and her ran to you and said "Baby, (Y/N) , what's wrong?" You said "The Fault In Our Stars and the NoteBook and Period." You said the last part quietly to where only he could here. Sam nodded and held you close whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

Cass- You where happy because you got to watch your favorite show with out being interrupted. You where about to start a new season until you heard Cass say "(Y/N)?" You suddenly became angry because someone interrupted you. You said "What?!" Cass said "Wanna go get food or something?" You said "Sure lets leave my show behind SO WE CAN EAT!" Cass said "What's with your sudden change in hormones?" You looked at him with teary eyes and said "Why would you ask that don't you know?" You started crying and he comforted you while Dean said "Great going Cass great going."

Crowley- Well it's simple your when your Mad, Sad, or anything but happy you torture any demon that talks back or you don't like and if your happy you eat ice cream and you watch Netflix Crowley usually is with you the whole week for some reason and doesn't run away like some people. (Pfffttt I wonder why people run away *runs away*)

Lucifer- Lucy no matter what your feeling mad sad happy upset he gives you back rubs or massages. And we'll he brings you muffins whenever you ask for one or he just brings you everything.

SEASON 11 EPISODE 1 IS THE BOMB MAN I WAS LIKE WOW WHY THAT POOR BABY! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? But anyway how many of you watched it? Let me know and what did you think about it? Another update should be up tomorrow may a few bye hunters! Also sorry about Lucifers and Crowleys being short!


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