Castiel X reader (FLUFFY)

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This is for okaykidforever

Warning: Fluff XD and The Fault In Our Stars Spoilers

It was a Friday afternoon and the boys where on a hunt. You where by yourself watching sappy movies in the bunker. You wished your angle Castiel was here with you.

Like you had hopes Cas showed up behind you. You had not noticed since you had gotten to get your box of tissues for the movie you where in the middle of. You say back down and Cas sat by you.
Startled, you jumped up and said "Oh it's just you." Cas being confused said "Of course it's just me. Who else would it be?"  You laughed and said "Sorry Cas I thought you where a monster or something." 
Cas tilted his head to the side and said "(Y/N) the bunker is warded against everything besides angles and demons."  You said "I know Cas just sometimes I forget that the bunker is warded." Cas was even more confused so he said "(Y/N) you live here how do you forget it's warded?"  You shook your head and said "Forget it Cas want to finish this movie with me?" He nodded

So the movie was coming to an end and you where crying is Cas' chest.  Cas wasn't sure how to comfort you so he put his arm around you shoulders and he hand on your arm, rubbing your arm.  He said "(Y/N)? Why are you so sad over a fictional movie?" You sniffed and said "Even though it is fictional it still is sad Cas." He nodded and said "Ok.  But you know, it is ok, and I will try to make it where you are never sad because whenever you are sad I feel sad, whenever you are hurt I fell mad at the person who hurt you, and when I see your smile I feel happy. (Y/N) can you tell me, what this feeling is?" You smiled and said "Cas that feeling is love."  He smiled and said "Well I love you. But wait, what do people do when they are in love?" You chuckled and said "Well they date, they become girlfriend and boyfriend."  Cas smiled and said "Well (Y/N), I love you so will you be my girlfriend?"  You smiled and said "Of Course."

A Few Days Later
You and Cas where asleep on the couch.  Sam and Dean had walked back into the bunker tired from their hunt and they saw you on the couch and Sam said , " Dean you owe me $20!" And Dean said "I don't owe you anyth-" Dean sighed and pulled a 20 out of his pocket and said "Fine here you go." And walked off to his room. Sam smiled happy he just earned $20 and got a blanket off one of the chairs and put it over the both of you. Then Sam walked back to his room turning the light off as he left the two love birds sleeping in each others warm and loving embraces.

My first request it finished!
Please make sure to request guys don't be afraid you can request more than once!
I am so sorry this took so long to get up I wasn't sure how to start this but it's up now and I hope you enjoy it! ❣

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