First heartbreak Daughter X Reader

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Dean- You where running home from school crying you just found out your boyfriend had cheated on you. So you got to the bunker and you opened the door and slammed it shut Sam and Dean where on the couch. The looked up at you. You where trying to catch your breath and you where still crying Sam said with worry in his voice "Are you ok? What happened?" You shook your head and Ran up to your room and slammed the door. You heard foot steps running up the stairs. Then there was a knock at your door and a voice said l"Can I come in?" You said "Yes." You where lying in bed facing the floor tears running down your face. It was Dean your dad. He came and crouched by the bed and said "Sweetheart what's wrong?" You said "Carter he cheated on me." You cried even harder Dean told you to scoot over you did. He got in the bed and comforted you but after a while he said "Ok no one hurts my baby girl and gets away with it I am going to beat his ass and Sam will help me I will be back later. I love you." You looked up at him and said "I love you too." And he smiled

Sam- You where waiting for you dad Sam Winchester to pick you up from school. You where with your best friend and you saw your dad and he saw you. you said "Bye." And before you got to your car you boyfriend Cameron called your name you said "yea?" He said "Look we need to brake up I only dated you for a bet and I have been sleeping with Lindsey (sorry for anyone named Lindsey random name!) behind your back." Tears gathered in your eyes and you didn't say anything before you could tears where going down your face and Lindsey came and poured a purple smoothie over your head and it went everywhere. You started crying harder and you turned around and ran to your car. You got there and your dad was on his phone. He got off the phone and asked "How was your day?" You started crying again and harder saying "How does it look? First my boyfriend. Broke up with me second he only dated my for a bet and third he slept with someone behind my back and fourth his new girlfriend poured a purple smoothie all over me." Sam your dad looked mad he got out of the car and went to Cameron and said "Did you just brake up with (Y/N)?" He said "Yea why?" Your dad said "No one hurts my daughter and gets away with it." So in the end Sam beat him up and you went home took a shower and watch chick flicks crying all afternoon with your dad

Cass- He already knew and before you got home he flashed to your school and beat the boy up a few minutes after he broke up with you cause he cheated. And then he flashed you to the bunker cause Cass beating someone up got you suspended from school.

Lucifer- he snapped his fingers and poof there they where gone

Crowley- he tricked your ex into making a deal and he gave in 3 months and then 3 months later sent a hell hound after him. 

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