Meeting your little sibligs

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*EDITED ON 12/20/2016*

Dean-You and Dean where going to the park to take a walk and you saw 2 familiar kids and you looked over to Dean and said "I'll be right back" Dean looked at you and said "ok." So you walked up to the kids and said "(y/l/s/n)? (Y/l/b/n)?" You little sister and your little brother turned towards you and yelled "(Y/N)!!!" By then when he heard your name Dean turned towards where you went and signed in relief he thought you where hurt so Dean walks up to you and said "(y/n)? Who are they?" And you smile and say "Dean meet my little sister and little bro."

Sam-Sam and you had gone to a arcade yes we all know Sam doesn't really play video games but you do and Charlie was at the store so you brought your boyfriend Sam with you cause you didn't want to come alone. So you dragged Sam to one game and you both played cause Sam said "I don't want to stand there like a sack of potatoes." All you did was laugh. When you where finished 2 people were behind you and you noticed them right away they where (Y/L/S/N) and (Y/l/b/n) you said "hey you two." And the 2 turned around and said "Oh my gosh! (Y/N)!! It has been so long since we have seen you!" And they both hugged you and Sam looked completely confused and you turned to him and said "what? They are my little bro and sister." Realization hit him like a truck you could see him understanding it now

Castiel-You and Cas where at a pie place and Dean was asleep so you could not bring him even though he was your pie buddy you brought you Castiel. And when you guys sat down a girl came up to you and she said "What can I get you guys?" And you knew that voice so you looked up at her and you said "(Y/l/s/n)?" She looked confused and then she said "(Y/N)?" And you said "Yea it's me." She then pulled you up and hugged you and then she yelled "(Y/l/b/n)!" And then you heard footsteps and then a voice said "what?" and then Cas pulled you to him and he said "(Y/N) I don't know these people and my people skills are rusty so can we go?" And you looked at Cas and said "Hey don't worry this is my little bro and sister." And yes when you little bro came up and hugged you with flour all over him.

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