Crying over a movie

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Dean- You where watching the fault in our stars. Of course you could not watch it when Dean was home his rule "No chick-flick moments." Was a big no no when he was around. So him and Sam where on a hunt. You got to the part where Augustus was planning his funeral  and it hit you hard. To many feels. You just started sobbing cause of the feels. As soon as you where eating ice cream and crying tissues everywhere Dean walked in with Sam behind him. They both ran in cause they heard your crying. Sam looked on the tv and said "Oh the TFIOS." And Dean said "The TFI- what now?" You stopped crying for a minute to say "The fault in our stars." Sam goes to his bed and Dean grabs the ice cream sets it on the table and sits beside you. You cuddle into his chest eyes still on the screen and you are still crying. So Dean comforts you during the whole movie. Well what he was there for.

Sam- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince the only words that explain it. You and Sam where holding onto each other crying just as dumbledore cried and you guys realized that Draco wasn't really a bad guy. All the feels hit you 2 like a truck load of ducks.

Cass- The notebook. Cass didn't understand the movie at all but he stayed and cuddled you until you stopped crying from the movie on how sad and beautiful it was at the same time. I mean come one the note book we all have had to cry during that.

Lucifer- Hunger Games- The part where Rue died. Didn't effect lucifer but it effected you. You started crying and you held on to lucifer and you screamed "SHE WAS ONLY AKID STUPID PRESIDENT SNOW" and started crying again because of feels

Crowley- Hello sister goodbye life. Some words that make you cry. That movie was good but emotional. It even made Crowley's eyes tear up. If you know it's sad if the king of hell even May starts crying.

The picture tho! :( poor Adam I miss him BUT A SUPERNATURAL FANDOM MOVIE COMES OUT SOON!!! :) 

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