Dating Sam Would Include

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I wanted to make some of these so yea, here you guys go ! sorry if this is bad, not my best ahah


Dating Sam Winchester Would Include :

• daily cuddles
• making fun of his bed head
• comforting one another when either of you are sad
• Netflix marathons on your days off
• Dean teasing you guys
• reading each other books
•helping Sam with research
• research turning into something else after a while ( *wink wink*  *nudge nudge* )
• you braiding his hair
• him calling you "shorty" because of the height difference
• you help Dean play pranks on him
• if you ever run into Becky, you get to show him off
• forehead kisses
• constant PDA
• when someone hits on you, he scares them away with his height
• him being super protective, but he still trusts you
• sometimes he kisses you on the nose
• picnics
• hand holding, and lots of hugs
• you guys fangirling over shows
• you guys both try to get Dean and Cas together
• not that much fighting
• playful arguing
• him sometimes coming home to find out you watch a show without him and him acting mad
• lazy days consist of : lots of snacks, cuddling, reading, movies, and just talking about things

HEY ! I hope you guys enjoyed this! More of these will be out soon with the other characters ! if you want to request an images go ahead! And I will get it out as soon as I can! Don't forgot to like, and comment !!

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