what candy you guys enjoy

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oh no, I have resulted to these kinds of preferences but that's okay, because I think I'm going to edit so many chapters tonight or maybe just restart the book, let me know what I should do !

Dean- I feel like you & dean would enjoy Hershey Candy bars (possibly milk, dark, or the ones with almonds) because it's simple nothing to crazy and you can basically find it at any store.

Sam- you & sam would enjoy a nice chocolate and peanut butter combination resulting in you two liking Recess Peanut Butter Cups (or pieces whichever you decide) it's not just plain chocolate so it's a half & half situation.

Cass- If Cass could taste things like you could, I feel like he & you would enjoy sour patch kids for some reason. He necessarily wouldn't like chocolate for some reason. I also think he would like them considering they are brightly colored & they are little people shaped.

Crowley- both you & Crowley would like red hots. appropriate right, get it, (ex) king of hell, red hots, fire. you know what, never mind, I won't even bother.

Lucifer- you & luci would enjoy a nice kit-kat. And like you & dean, nothing to crazy something simple you can find in every store and the wafer to chocolate ration is perfect, like come on now.

(I'm adding my lovely little son Jack :))

Jack- obviously Jack likes nougat resulting in you two liking Snickers, Milky-Ways, literally anything that contained nougat, you two enjoyed.

I throughly apologize for not writing in so long, I have finals coming up and it's been stressful. But I promise tonight I plan to get a lot of chapter edited or re done for you guys. up above in the beginning please please let me know if I should edit past chapters or just restart this book OR just make a second book !!! I love you all, & treat people with kindness!

wrote on April, 16, 2018

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