How you cuddle

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Dean- You 2 spoon. You are the little spoon and Dean is the big spoon you face towards the wall and deans arm is around your waist while is face is in your hair and you fall asleep to his breathing on your neck knowing you will be protected while you 2 are home alone in the bunker.

Sam- Sam faces the door and your face is in Sam's chest. Sam faces the door to protect you in anyway while watching movies

Cass- Your back is on his chest while your head faces towards the TV. His wings are wrapped around both of you and his arms are around you waist.

Crowley- You face towards him you head on his chest. You guys don't get to cuddle often cause he is always running hell or working with the Winchesters but you don't mind.  The reason why is you love these special moments and how rarely they come making them more special.

Lucifer- Being the devil you thought he wouldn't like cuddling. But when he isn't running from Sam and Dean you guys just lay in bed. His arm is over your shoulders and you are holding his hand you your head on his chest.

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