You get put in Harry Potter (Because of Gabriel) reader X TFW

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The last thing you remember is going to bed in you room in the bunker.

You woke up and quickly noticed you where not in you room. You shot up and looked at your side and saw a girl there beside you. You quickly knew she was the famous Hermione Granger. She said "Gosh (Y/N) are you ok? Bad dream you seem a little pail?" You nodded and said "I just need a shower I will be out in a few minutes." You grabbed you robes and went to the bathroom, you did your business and walked out. Hermione said "I am heading to breakfast are you ready? We are going to meet Ron, Harry, Fred, George, Sam, Dean, and Cas." You said yea and you guys headed down to the common room. As soon as you got down there you saw Sam, Dean, and Cas. You went over to them and said "Uh guys we are in Harry Potter! What are we going to do? How did we end up here?" Sam said "I don't know how we got here or how we get back." Dean and Cas nodded in agreement  You started thinking hardly ad said you had no idea. So you 4 went back to Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George. You guys all went to get breakfast.  That's when everything went down hill.

Suddenly Bellatrix was on the table and dancing around breaking everything and chanting "I KILLEDS SIRUIS BLACK! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO (Y/N) AND HARRY POTTER?" all of the sudden you had a strange connection to Harry and you had a sudden urge to kill Bellatrix before you could think you raised your wand, you didn't know you had, and yelled "CRUCIO!" and then Bellatrix fell to the ground in pain and soon after you did you fell to ground feeling drained and Bellatrix started laughing and said "You have to mean it Potter!" Then before you knew it all of you where in the Malfoy mansion. That's where everyone but you were hanging on the wall in shackles and you where tackled by Bellatrix. She said "I am going to ask you this, Where is the sword?" you started shaking and said "I don't know I promise I don't know." Bellatrix said "Lying wont help now." That's when she had a knife and started carving something into your arm. You arched your back and screamed as loud as you could. You could hear Sam, Dean, Cas, and Harry scream your name. Sam was saying "You get your hands off her!!" Dean was saying" You son of a bitch I will kill you stop!" Cas was yelling his famous line "Hey Assbutt." and Harry was yelling very loudly " Get your hands off my sister you will be sorry stop I will not hesitate to kill you!" That's when you blacked out and everything faded.

You woke up in a dungeon with everyone and Voldemort was standing in a corner which caused you to scream. He said "Don't worry sweet checks im not the real one." That's when you gasped and said " I know how we got here. Gabriel why did you out us here? and why was I the one to get hurt?" He laughed and said " I honestly didn't know that was going to happen, but I just wanted you to play your roles but since you did ill send you back." That is when you woke up beside Sam, Dean, and Cas as said "Guys I just had the weirdest dream we were all in Harry Potter." The 3 looked at you said " We had the same dream." You looked down and noticed you all had robes on and Sam said "(Y/N) pull up your sleeve." You did and there was a scar on your arm that said 'POTTER' you said "Maybe it wasn't just a dream."

Hey guys I updated yay!! I know I changed the movie a little and I kinda combined 2 of them but I thought it was a good day I hope you all had a wonderful day I am working on many more chapters so good day!!! <3 <3


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