TV Show You Guys Watch Together

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Hey guys !! I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long long time just, im starting Highschool next school year and I have been picking my classes and I have been sick recently and my brother is leaving for the navy soon.  But since I have spring break soon you guys will get a lot of updates and anyone that has requested anything your requests will be up super soon! and we are almost to our 100th Image/ Preference !! YAY

Sam- You guys are into things that don't really have to do with monsters or paranormal things. So, you and Sam like to watch the TV shows Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC Legends Of Tomorrow. The action separates the struggles from your mind and you guys feel like when you watch these TV shows, you're normal. Which that probably does not make any since whatsoever, but the shows just bring you guys happiness, and you think Oliver Queen, Roy Harper, Barry Allen, Leonard Snart, and many more people in those TV shows are very good looking. 

Dean- You and Dean like to watch The Walking Dead, most of the time.  It sometimes make you think you guys have an easy life, because you have access to food and a nice home and even thought you most of the time have a target on your back from Demons and Angles, it makes everything normal.  Plus Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, and many more people are very good looking so you enjoy that too.

Cass- Castiel doesn't really understand the concept of Television yet. So, you have to go through and explain why there are people in a electric box thingy.  But when you don't have to explain things you guys usually watch the TV show Scream. You guys just enjoy the suspense and it's different than most TV shows.

Crowley- You and the King of Hell usually like to watch Stranger Things.  I know, it doesn't seem like Crowley would like that kind of TV show, but really he loves it.  He likes to learn all he can about it, like the actors, mostly anything he can.  You think its an obsession and it isn't healthy, but come on we all have an unhealthy obsession over something.

Lucifer- (yay Mark is back !!) So, you guys usually like to watch Once Upon A Time, fairytales are your favorite and Luci likes to make you happy so he sits and watches a "stupid human show" which is what he usually calls it, which you get annoyed and you tell him that you would fight him and that usually ends up in you two wrestling in the living room while OUAT is playing and the you get mad because you always end up missing the show.

Once again guys I am so very sorry !! Don't forget to request on the request form or comment on any chapter or just DM me and I will get your request up!! And anyone that has requested anything that should be up really soon! Don't forget to like, comment, and if you have any suggestions for future chapters let me know!!

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