Found Dean x Reader

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WARNING: Mention of Abuse.

You where with Sam and Dean on your way to a hunt with Sam and Dean to investigate as FBI agents you where unsure about this one because it was your home town. You had run away from your parents because they where abusive. You had never told your boyfriend Dean or your best friend Sam about them you never talked about your family. So pushing all the negative thoughts away from your mind you 3 went to the case and saw police officers. You guys went up to them and you said "Hello officer I am Agent Riggs and these are my partners Agent Smith and Agent Franklin and we are here about the case-" you got cut off and the worst happened "I know who you are the police have been looking all over for you (Y/N) (L/N) your parents are so worried about you I am going to have to bring you to the station and call your parents." You said "I think you are-" you got cut off once again. The police officer pushed you in the car and you looked at Sam and Dean with a look that says "Follow me and Help me!" You soon got to the station and the police was on the phone with your parents. Soon Sam and Dena came in and ran to you. You hugged Dean and just started breathing heavily and said "Dean I don't want to see my parents I ran away from them for a reason I haven't told you but-" that was the 3rd time you where cut off today by by 2 voices you never wanted to hear again. "(Y/N!! Oh my goodness we have been looking for you! Get out of that mans chest and come home with us sweetie." You shook your head and said "No." Your parents acted surprised and said "What?" You shook your head no and "I don't want to." Your dad leaned in close and tried to be quiet but Sam and Dean still heard him "You listen you little bitch you better come home because you ran away and need to be taught a lesson that you will never forget." Dean looked pissed and put you behind him and Sam ran to you and held you while you cried scared of what your dad was going to do. Dean said "You stay out of her life I never knew what you did to her but now I know and don't say you can't talk to me like that little boy but guess what I can because I am her boyfriend and that's my brother and we will be maybe the only 2 people that stand up to you so why don't you stay out of her life." Dean grabbed you and walked out of the station and said "I will always protect you (Y/N) don't worry."

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