Your a Youtuber

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Dean- You,Sam and Dean went to London for a few days as a few days off cause nothing supernatural had happened. You and the guys where walking around they where talking so you pulled out your vlogging camera and started talking to it. "Hey guys! I am in London if any one wants to come meet me I am going to text Zoe and see if I can come over to the Zalfie house hold I miss them." You continued to talk but what you didn't know was that Sam and Dean stopped talking and where now behind you watching you. You looked behind you and said "Oh yea! I am here with my Best Friend and Boyfriend!" Dean smiled and kissed you on the cheek you said "Well I will film more later. When I get to the place we are staying at! I also have a big announcement for later! See ya!" You turned off your camera and put it away Dean said "What was that for?" You looked at Dean confused and said "What?" He replied "The camera." You said "Oh I'm a youtuber." Dean asked "A what?" You sighed and began explaining it to him. And Sam had to help you cause he already knew what a youtuber is.

Sam- You where at the mall with Sam and Dean and you had your camera in your back pocket you just weren't going to use it yet. That's when you bumped into someone and you looked up said "Sorry." Then you saw who it was and said "JORDAN!!" Jordan looked at you and said "Y/N!!" The 2 boys turned to you and said "Who is this?" And Sam being the protective one wrapped an arm around your waist. And you said "This is one of my best friends I haven't seen in a while Jordan Sweeto." And they waved and Jordan waved and you saw he had his camera out and was recording you said "This is Dean my BFF and Sam my Boyfriend." And after you said that you pulled out your camera and started talking to it and Sam and Dean just watched you 2 and then after that Jordan met Bryan somewhere and left and it was just you 3 again and they asked "What were you doing?" And you said "I am a youtuber." And they said "Ohhh."

Cass- You Where doing a gaming video with Dean and Cass walked in and saw the camera
and looked around and saw you and Dean playing the Walking Dead. He said "What is this?" You and Dean said "It's a game Cass, where you shoot Zombies." He tilted his head in confusion "Why would you want to play that or shoot zombies?" You paused the game and said to Cass "It's a YouTube video like you known the cat videos you find funny." And Cass had an ohh moment like it clicked and he walked to the camera and stuck out his tongue and walked away. So you did your ending with Dean and Cass asked "Can I film on with you?"

Crowley- You where hanging out with Joe Sugg and you guys where brother and sister and Zoe Sugg was with you she was your older sister you and Joe are twins. So all 3 of you where taking a trip in Florida to go to Universal and you guys where in Harry Potter world vlogging you where about to go on a roller coaster when you got there you saw the person there looked familiar. You asked "Crowley?" And he said "Hello Darling." Zoe and Joe came up and asked "Who is this?" And he said "Crowley her boyfriend." And Joe said "Is this true Y/N?" "Yes" you sighed Zoe and Joe looked at Crowley and said "Hurt her you will have to deal with us cause this is Zoe her older sister and I am Joe her twin brother so if she comes crying to us you have a lot of people to deal with." Crowley just nodded and said "The ride is ready." You guys took out your cameras and vlogged the whole trip. After that the park was closing so you guys went to your hotel and you went to go get snacks and Crowley was out side your door and he asked "What are you?" And you said "What?" "With the camera what where you doing?" You said "Ohh I'm a Youtuber like Zoe and Joe." He said "oh and let you pick up your snacks and you guys didn't see each other until you got home the next week.

Lucifer- You where doing drunk magic at your house with Jenna Marbles and Dan and Phil you guys where drunk and doing magic the after the video was done you guys edited it and while you where editing Luci came and asked "What you doin Y/N? And who are the people?" You said "We are editing a video for YouTube I am a youtuber and these are Jenna Dan and Phil." Oh"  Is all he said and after they left Luci came out and said "What's a youtuber?" And you had to explain to him what it was and what they do and he asked could he be in some of your videos Dm you said yes and you guys filmed some.

A/N I know it's been long I am doing a lot of updates today and tomorrow sorry that lucifer so was so short and that Crowley's was so short and Cass was horrible too. I am very sorry for that but a new update is coming soon and REQUEST if you want anything!

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