He finds your stuffed animal

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Dean- You where unpacking in the bunker and Dean walked in as soon as you pulled out a stuffed panda. Dean came over and took it out of your hand and he said "What in the hell is this?" You pouted and grabbed it from him and said "It's pandi my panda bear I have had it since i was little it helped me a lot ever since my parents died it was the last thing they gave to me." Dean said "Awe sweetheart I'm sorry it can sleep in the bed with us if pandi wants?" As Dean said that he thought I'm the best boyfriend ever.

Sam- Sam and you where sharing a room in the bunker but you had your own room now just in case. You where unpacking and you found your stuffed moose so you went it your and Sam's room on a shelf. As soon as you walked out Sam walked in and he yelled "Y/N!" You said "What?" As you walked in the room Sam said "What's this?" You blushed in embarrassment and said "That's my stuffed moose." Sam put him back on the shelf and said "Well it can stay there."

Cass- you where sitting on the couch reading and Cass came out with a stuffed squirrel and said "Is this Dean did Crowley turn him into an actual squirrel this time?" You laughed and said "No Cass that is my stuffed animal squirrel named acorn." Cass said "Why would you want a stuffed animal and its name isn't acorn any more." You asked "What is it then?" Cass said "It's new name is Dean." You laughed and shook your head and then Dean came in the room and said "I heard my name why are you laughing?" You said while laughing "Cass names you after a stuffed squirrel!" Deans cheeks flushed and he rolled the squirrel and threw it at Cass and the whole time Cass looked confused

Lucifer- Lucifer had something in his hand and you didn't know what it was. He looked at you and said "I found something of yours." You said "what?" And he said "Your stuffed a animal it's cute just we need to add something to it." You asked "What?" Luci then snapped his fingers and the stuffed dog had devil horns and lucifer said "That's more like it."

Crowley- You had a stuffed turtle and you where playing with it in you lap. You where bored and had nothing else to do. Crowley came in and said "hello love. What is that?" You blushed and said "It's my stuffed animal turtle." He smiled snapped his fingers and it had a little staff and he said "It can the first pet ruler of hell!" You laughed and shook your head.

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