supernatural x flash x reader (Part one)

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Hey guys !! I have had this idea for a while and I think this is going to be a good and long chapter, so get some snacks and a drink and enjoy the ride !! If you don't know this is going to have the winchesters, Castile, Gabe, Lucifer, Crowley etc... but it is also going to have The Flash, AKA Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Iris West, Harrison Wells HR, and Joe West. The reader is Sam and Dean's sister and she knew Team Flash but Sam and Dean and everyone else didn't know meta-humans exist. It will make more since when you read it.

You where  sitting in the so called 'living room' in the bunker.  You where with your brothers Sam and Dean, The angles Castile, Lucifer, and Gabriel, and Crowley and Charlie. For some reason everyone had decided to gather and have a movie time or whatever at the bunker. You guys where in the middle of a movie when your phone started to ring. The caller ID said 'Barry Allen The Guy That Runs Fast' you picked up the phone and said, "Hello?" Barry replied "Hey (Y/N), I need a favor." You said "And what would that be?" Barry sighed and said, "Okay, so you know about the whole Jay business and Zoom and everything right?" You replied with a "yes" Barry said, "Well, Zoom is after everyone. And I mean Everyone, me, Iris, Joe, Wally, Harrison, Jessie, Caitlin, Cisco." You gasped and put your hand over your mouth. That had caused everyone to look at you in concern and worry. Sam and Dean mouthed 'what?' And you just shook your head. You then said, "Barry, anything you need, I will do it to keep everyone safe, just let me know what it is." Barry sighed and said, "I need to keep everyone out of Central City, including myself. So, I was wondering, is there anyway  all of us could stay with you?" You said, "Of course! Just speed on over here or whatever you guys do, bring anything you need, I definitely have room." This caused Sam and Dean to look at each other then back at you. Barry said "Thank you so much! We will be there soon!" You laughed and said "I will text you the address. Bye Barry!"

Everyone looked at you as you put your phone down.
Dean said, "Who was that? And what address are you texting?" You said "Oh yea um, well I owe a few friends a favor and um they are going to stay in the bunker for a while." Dean sighed and said "(Y/N) you can't just offer our room to people that Sam and I don't even know!" You shook your head as you sent the address. "Dean, these are so really good friends of mine and please, this could save their lives!" Dean responded, his voice slightly raising, " Or it could put our lives in danger!" You sighed angrily and said, "That's what we do! And I am going to help my friends with you permission or not!"

Later that night

Everyone had mostly fallen asleep, surprisingly even the angles. But, all of the sudden there was a huge knocking sound on the bunker door that seemed to wake everyone. You quickly shot up off of the couch and ran to the door. You opened the door and there stood everyone. You yelled "BARRY, CAIT, CISCO, IRIS, JOE, WALLY, JESSIE, HR! I have missed you guys so much. You hugged everyone but, when you hugged Barry, you felt a little spark like the last time you guys saw each other.

Everyone had woken up and you said, "Guys! This is Barry, also known as The Flash, this is Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, Joe, Wally, Jessie, and Harrison, but we usually call him HR." Everyone replied back with a 'hi' or a 'hello' and I looked at team Flash and I said, "These are my brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, and this is Castile, Gabriel, and Lucifer. This caused the flash team to gasp and Cisco said, "You said Lucifer, you mean that's Lucifer?" You nodded your head and said "Cas, Gabe and Luci are angles and that's Crowley, he is the king of hell, and that's Charlie. She is like our Felicity Smoak." Team Flash seemed to nod as they understood what you meant by your 'Felicity Smoak.'

Charlie then spoke up and said," Wait! Barry, your the flash?" Barry shook his head yes and said, "(Y/N) can we talk to you." You shook your head YESS and walked out with Team Flash. 

Barry said, "So, we knew you hunted monsters but the devil and king of hell?" You replied, "I'm sorry! I forgot that not everyone is comfortable around them sometimes."  Barry sighed and replied "It's alright just it'll take a while for us to get used to I guess."

Middle of the night

Everyone had now officially gone to bed and you heard a loud smash. You grabbed your gun, and you walked outside of your room and you saw that Sam and Dean had done the same. And then all of the sudden a blue streak passed you three.  You screamed, "Barry! Barry Allen! It's Zoom!" Sam and Dean looked at you weird. But, before you could respond, you had been picked up and where being taken somewhere by Zoom.

And the last thing you saw before passing out was Barry's worried face with tears in his eyes. While, he was running to catch up with you and Zoom. The last thing you muttered was, "Run Barry, Run."

It's been a while I know!!
I am so excited to make part two for this! I have had this idea for a while, but I feel like this isn't the best thing I've written. And I don't know if I like it. Let me know if there are any other shows you guys would like a crossover with !! Let me know if guys like this!!

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