JULY 4TH (because today is July 4th)

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*EDITED ON 12/20/2016*

Dean- You and Dean may go to a bar or just sit at home with Sam and Castiel. You like to spend July 4th as an off day or as you like to call it a family day. Or you shoot fire works because ot reminds Dean of a memory when him and Sam where younger they both went into a field and shot off fire works and burned it.

Sam- You and Sam watch movies or just watch tv with beers in hand. Or you like to cook out which includes You Sam Dean Cas Bobby Ellen Jo and Charlie but sometimes maybe even most of the time Gabriel comes with candy and tries to put candy in everyones drink. And after that you shoot fire works cause it reminds Sam of a child hood memory when him and Dean went on July 4th and shot fire works in a field and burned it.

Cas- Cas didn't understand July 4th so you had to explain it to him. So after you did he disappeared and then an hour later you where with Sam and Dean and then all of the sudden Cas comes back with Red White and Blue paint and throws it on you 3 and you guys just spend the 4th of July trowing Red White and Blue paint at each other.

I would have posted this earlier cause I thought I did but apparently I only saved it! 😳

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