Mark Of Cain dean X reader

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We all know Dean had the mark of Cain and how much pain it cause him. But what if Dean didn't have and you did?

You where staring at the Book of the Damned Charlie had just brought. It supposedly had a cure which you didn't think it was possible. You could almost hear the book calling to you want you to use it for the dark magic that lays inside. You refused to give in but then all your memories came flooding in killing all those innocent people and everything else. You where giving up and you had to tell Charlie and the guys that "Hey guys." You said they responded "Yes (Y/N)?" You sighed and said "I am giving up I am not sure if there is even a cure for this thing Rowena said it was a curse. What if she is right?" Dean came up to you and held you face and said "(Y/F/N). You are not giving up on my watch I want for all the pain nightmares everything to go away for you. This mark is eating you alive!" You looked down with tears in your eyes and Sam said "(Y/N) Dean's right you can't just give up."  You sighed and nodded saying "I'm going to lay down." They nodded. You went and layer down in your bed and just sat there thinking. You though "I am not sure if there really is a cure out there I hope there is cause I can't keep fighting much longer." Someone layer  on the bed beside you and said "I will find a cure to this even if it kills me cause I hate to see you in pain." You recognized the voice as Dean's you turned around and you two where face to face. You said "Did I say that out  loud?" And Dean nodded. You 2 talked for a while and then you and Dean went in the room where Sam and Charlie where. You said to all 3 of them "You guys are right I am not going to give up I am going to Always Keep Fighting. Until this thing kills me." They all 3 smiled at you and Sam and Charlie hugged you and Dean kissed you on the lips and held you close. And you guys kept looking for a cure for that stupid mark.

I know! I haven't updated in a while but I am working on at least getting 5 updates today. On this and my images story! So keep looking out for those! 

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