They help you cope with Charlie's death *WARNING⚠️ Feels⚠️*

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Dean- Charlie was like you sister so when Sam and Dean got home they looked like they where crying. You asked "What's wrong?" Then they looked at each other and Dean sighed and said "Charlie she's dead..." You said "What? No no no she can't be dead she-" you cut your self off cause your voice could hold on any more you started sobbing and you fell onto the floor on you knees then you saw carpet so you later on your stomach sobbing. Sam and Dean went into the kitchen Dean came back and almost started crying again looking at your state. He said "Y/N come here." You didn't move you cried even harder if that was possible Dean got on his knee by you and said "Y/N baby your going to make yourself sick please get up or at least come here." You slowly got up with deans help and just looked at Dean and started crying again. People would say you where a cry baby but you just lost your best friend you sister she wasn't your biological sister but she felt like she was. You cried in deans chest and he just held you rubbing your hair saying "It's ok baby girl it's going to be ok I've got ya." You looked up at Dean and said "Do you think she is watching us?" Dean gave you a small smile and said "Y/N I bet you she is and she is in a better place." You and Dean just later on the couch for the rest of the day.

Sam- Sam and Dean where at home. You where the one who found Charlie dead. You cried as you made your way to you car. You got to the bunker and saw Sam and Dean on the couch. You had stopped crying then saw Game of Thrones on TV and thought of Charlie so you just let it all out and started sobbing and the 2 on the couch looked at you alarmed then realized it was you Sam rushed up to you and said "Y/N sweetheart what's wrong?" You said "She is dead." Sam said "who?" He was still wiping the tears away and you said "Charlie." You yelled "CHARLIE IS DEAD!" And you collapsed and got up and ran past Sam and Dean into yours and Sam's room and jumped on the bed and got under the blankets and put a pillow over your head. You and Charlie where biological sisters. You heard the door open and Dean said "Hey sis it's ok." You could hear he was crying and Dean treated you like a little sister so it hurt him to see you like this. You wouldn't listen so Dean went out and said to Sam "Dude she is bad she won't listen she has on pjs and under your blanket with a pillow over her head I know I say no chick-flick moments but go cuddle her comfort her. She is my little sister and your girl friend help her." Dean was crying by the end of his little rant Sam nodded and went upstairs And saw you from the door he laid down on the bed got under to covers and pulled you into he chest rubbing your hair and he said "Y/N she is in a better place I promise please she wouldn't want you this way." He didn't get a response cause you where asleep and he fell asleep too.

Cass- you got a call from Dean and you started crying and Cass came and saw you. Crying he said "y/N what's wrong sweetie?" You said "Charlie  is dead." He said "Y/N it's ok I can always take you Sam and Dean to see her in heaven." You stopped crying and said "Can you take me now?" He said "yes." So you guys went to Charlie's heaven and you found her and hugged her and she said "y/N you can visit me when ever just remember don't mourn over me I'm in a better place." You said "ok." And went home

Crowley- Crowley came in and had Sam and Dean with him. They looked like they had been crying. You where concerned cause they where your brothers. You said "What's wrong?" And the brothers looked at each other and Sam sighed and said with tears in his eyes "It's Charlie she's... She's dead." You gasped and said "No. Your joking right. Right?" Crowley was watching from the side seeing how it would work out. And Sam held his arms open so did Dean and you 3 hugged and you just started sobbing and Sam and Dean started crying. After a while Crowley made Sam and Dean leave with you protest and theirs but he made them go. You where still crying and Crowley opened his arms and he rubbed your hair saying "At least she isn't down here but if she was I wouldn't make her do anything I would let her stay with you." You nodded and said "she is in a better place."

Lucifer- You where with Sam and Dean and you guys found Charlie dead. You fell to the floor and started sobbing Dean was crying and so was Sam you had drove a different car so you ran out the door jumped in your car and drove home sobbing you saw the lights on so you knew Luci was home so you come through the door and hear Lucifers voice say from the kitchen "Hello babe." He finally saw your face and saw you where crying he ran up to you and hugged you saying "What's wrong?" You said "It's Charlie she... She is dead. Luci my sister is dead." You cried you had calmed down a little and he said "How about we eat then we go lay down and you can tell me all about Charlie and how great she was. Just remember she is in a better place." You nodded and you guys ate then you went to lay down and you spent hours talking about Charlie.

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