He Finds Out You Are Apart Of The God Squad

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Dean- You where going into the bunker with Dean then all the sudden you felt the warding. You stiffen up and you kinda just stop walking Dean looked at you and he was saying something but you where not listening you think last time I can the warding wasn't there. Dean waves his hand in front you your face and you say "What?" He looks at you and says "Where you even listening to me Y/N?" You say "Yes....No." He asked "Why did you stop?" You sighed and said "It's time you found out." He looks at you weirdly "Are you a demon?" You sigh and said "I am the exact opposite." He still looked confused "I can't enter the building." He says "Why?" You look at Dean and said " I am an angel of the lord."

Sam- You and Sam where walking while Dean and Cas went the other way to fight some Angels and to be honest you where scared they would recognize you. You where going to say something then all of the sudden 2 Angels popped out of no where and one said "Y/N? You teemed up with the Winchesters when you became a fallen angel with your brother Castiel Sam looked at you and said "You are a angel?" You shake your head yes and say "I thought you wouldn't except me any more." He said "I love you no matter what." The Angel said "are you going to listen to me your sister or your boyfriend?" You start to walk to your sister you look back at Sam and wink he looks confused but you get to your sister and say "My boyfriend you Bitch of a sister." Then you stabbed her and Sam stabbed the other angel and you guys both walked hand and hand away from the Angels your old family but you found another family.

Cas- You walked into the bunker and You got trapped into an Angel trap and you called and called for help but then Sam Dean and Cas came from the side of the corner with angel blades and you say "What are you doing I am Y/N." Sam and Dean say "Why didn't tell us you where and angel." "Because you guys wouldn't trust me any more and you think Angels are dick bags any way so..." You trail off but they say "You and Cas are not dick bags so we trust you guys." They let you out and they leave and you turn to Cas and said "Did you know?" He said "yes I just wanted to know if you would tell us most importantly tell me." You say "Well I am an angel of the lord."

Crowley- You where going to visit Crowley and all the sudden you hear the angel asking for help you run to where you hear it coming from then you realize it is coming from Crowley's dungeon and you barge in and yell "STOP!!" And The angel said "Y/N sister thank you!" "Your welcome Samandriel brother." Crowley looks at you and says "What kitten you are an angel?" You sigh and say "Yes. And stop torturing my brother please you are making me sad." A tear slips from your eye and Crowley noticed and healed Samandriel and let him free and your brother ran and hugged you and said "Why are you here." You sighed "He is my boyfriend please Samandriel don't tell anyone." He says "I won't Y/N." After he says that you full on start sobbing and your brother says goodbye and zaps away you look at Crowley and say "You just gonna torture me like the others?" He says "Never kitten I love you to much." But then he says "You really are an angel?" You reply "yes."

Lucifer- You where there when Him and your father where fighting and he cast Lucifer out of heaven and made him seem like
the bad guy. So you became a fallen angel and became Lucifers girl friend he knew you where an angel the whole time.

A/N sorry Lucifers is so short I wasn't sure what to put!! Hope you like this one!

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