Gabriel catch up!!

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Outfit he likes on you the most: Sweatpants with one of his shirts. He thinks you look better in his clothes

you guys own: A sugar glider (I don't think that is the right spelling haha)

Cheesy pick up line: Are you from Tennessee? because your the only ten I see

Fave Movie: The Maze Runner

What he calls you: Sugar

His fave feature of yours: He really likes your legs for some reason ;)

Text message he sends you: Hey Sugar! I will be home soon and don't worry you wont be bored for much longer ;)

Shopping: Well he always goes with you!

4th of July- You convince him to take you to the bunker so you can spend a day with your brothers Sam and Dean and you all just sit around eat candy and light fireworks!

Who you are closest to- Lucifer

Charlie's Death- You were never really that close to Charlie so her death made you sad but you never really got the chance to know her and you wish you could have.

Scared of Storms- Gabe knows how you are afraid of storms so he always puts on your favorite movie and you guys cuddle and eat candy and Doritos.

Fave SWS lyric- 'There's plenty of time for us to finally get it right, so why don't we crash and burn tonight?'

Son/Daughter Names:
Son- Michael Luci (Y/L/N)
Daughter- Rosella Chanel (Y/L/N)

How you sleep-
Angles don't really sleep so you just lay beside each other holding hands and while you're asleep you will eventually end up turning into his side so his arm is wrapped around you while you are snuggled into his side.

You lay on you stomach on top of him and your head rests on his chest.

You're Pregnant-
You sat on the edge of yours and Gabe's bed and you looked at the pregnancy test with two pink lines on it. You put your hand over your mouth and chocked back a sob. You two have always wanted kids but you weren't sure if this was the right time with everything going on. As soon as you got up you heard Gabriel pop up behind you. You jumped and turned around and he saw the little thing in you hands and he says, "Is that what I think it is?" And you look down and shyly shake your head 'yes' he asks "Is it positive?" And you shake your head 'yes' and he runs up and hugs you and then he pops away. Then out of no where he comes back with your 2 brothers ,Sam and Dean, and Cass. He then says "Sam, Dean, Cass, im going to make a book appear in your hand and you have to tell us what you think it means." All three of the nod and he then pops a book into each of their hands. Sam and Dean gasp and said , "Y/N! Are you pregnant? You then say "Yes!" And then Sam and Dean run and hug you saying how they are going to be uncles and Habe and Cass are talking about how they are going to protect the future baby.

Fave Season- Winter

Hello guys!! I am writing this in class and wanted to get something out to you guys so sorry if this seems rushed!! Please don't forget to like and follow and comment!! And if you want to request anything let me know and i am more than happy to do it!
Bye! xx

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