Dating Dean would include

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heyy I'm back with another one of these !
and my last day of school is tomorrow so hopefully I will have a lot more time to write this summer !!
well, enjoy this chapter !
- pie, pie, and more pie
- arguing over who has a better taste in music
- Sam teasing you guys
- chick-flick moments
- him trying to they your attention by throwing paper at you while you research
- him saying he's bored and you say "spray paint a smiley face and shoot it" and him not understanding the reference
- having to get Sam to help with your college work
- Play fighting
- him helping you become a better hunter
- him being super protective because he doesn't want to lose you
- if anyone, guy or girl, puts their hands on you they have to deal with  a very very mad Dean
- calming him down when he's angry
- holding him when he cries and telling him it's going to be okay
- cuddles
- singing 'hey Jude' to help him fall asleep
- naming your kids 'Mary and Samuel'
- Dean being excited and anxious when he finds out he's gonna be a dad
- you reassuring him that he won't end up like John
- hunting together
- "there ain't no me if there ain't no you"
- "bitch"  "asshole"
- you getting jealous when someone flirts with him
- "did he really just try and flirt with you? While I was here?" "Ummm yea?" "hell no, that isn't gonna pass"
- demon dean insulting you
- you and Sam get along great
- movie marathons
- tending to each others wounds
- him comforting you after a hunt gone wrong
- "what's a padalecki?" " is that some kind of moose?" "WOAH Fake you and I are married and have 3 kids and you're on a show called 13 Reasons Why?"
- "really Dean, you ate that whole pie?"
- When Mary meets you, she loves you and thinks you are perfect for Dean
- arguing here and there
- him making Sam help him plan the proposal
- him asking your parents permission
- you saying yes
- you guys wait to have your honey moon, because of Lucifer and the Nephilum
- having a somewhat 'apple pie life'
- taking after Crowley and calling Dean 'squirrel'
- Crowley calling you 'squirrel's wife or hamster'

Hope you guys enjoyed this !!
don't forget to like, comment and share!
I might start doing a question of the day or question if the chapter or whatever idrk
and my heart goes out to those hurt or injured in the Manchester accident, my heart is breaking. ❤️
the ones with the parentheses are you and Dean talking by the way!!
also I added 13 Reasons Why into there also ahah
love you guys !! xx

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