Your an animgus

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Dean- Dean had made a deal and today was the day a hell hound was supposed to come get him. And to no surprise Crowley  came with his own hell hound Juliet so she could kill Dean. You had a plan you could see hell hounds with out the glasses cause you where an amangius you could turn into a black panther so the hell hound was coming at Dean and before it got to him you turned into a panther and you attacked the hell hound Crowley was mad and Sam and Dean just watched in amazement. You where saving your boyfriends life that's what a good girl friend does them the hell hound got on top of you but you took your paw brought out your claws and scratched it's stomach so many times then it jumped off and headed towards Dean but before it got to him it collapsed and you turned back into your human form. You life flashed before your eyes Dean had you up against a wall and he said "What are you?" You said " I am a witch I use my power  for good if I wanted to Kill you I would have and I just saved your ass with my witch powers so..."

Sam- Beck had somehow found you guys don't ask that girl is weird. But she was flirting with Sam and you where having none of it. You ran and turned into a husky. And you walked back with grace. Sam, Dean and Becky looked at you. They shrugged and Becky went back to flirting. You went up to Sam and rubbed up against his legs he bent down and started petting you Becky tried to do the same thing but when she touched you you growled which Sam didn't notice but Dean did and he looked at you weirdly trying to figure out where this dog came from and where you where. But when you growled at Becky she fell back into a mud puddle so she was covered in mud Dean and Sam laughed. You looked at Dean and motioned your head to the side of the building and you went and Dean followed you and you turned back into your self and Dean said "what are you?" You said "I am a good witch I went to Hogworts school of witchcraft an wizardry if I wanted to harm you guys I would have. So please let me do something to that Bitch over there.!" Dean laughed and said "Go for it and do you want me tell Sam when I get back?" You nodded and turned and went back and Dean followed and when you guys got back Becky was still on the ground you walked up to her and let her pet you and Dean was telling Sam. Sam looked at you and nodded you nodded back and Dean told Sam your plan also and said aloud "Go for it." Then became hugged you and you growled and braked she got up and ran really fast you followed her and tripped her and then walked back towards Sam and Dean and changed to your self while she was watching and she glared at you and ran back saying "Sam is mine." You smirked and said "Oh Hun if he was your he would protest when I did this." You turned towards him and kissed him.

Cass- An angle was about to stab Cass but you turned into a ferret and jumped on the guys shoulder and bit him in the neck and then you ran into his shirt and he was panicking to bad to notice Cass got his angel blade and stabbed him after the guy fell you climbed out of his shirt and changed into your self and Cass was surprised and flung you up against a wall and harshly said "What are you and what have you done to Y/N? I swear if you harmed her I will kick your butt you Ass-Butt (sorry I had to >~<)" you said "Cass it's me I am a witch a good witch if I wanted to harm you I would have already I promise you," he looked in your eyes and didn't see any signs of lying let you down and said "ok." And you asked "Ass-Butt?" He looked and said "What? Sam says jerk Dean says bitch and you say Buttheads. So I want to be apart of the group so my thing is Ass-Butt don't judge me." You nodded and said "Okkkkk."

Crowley- Abaddon was hurting Crowley and she tied you up so you turned into a lion and punched on abandon after you got free. Crowley look at you surprised pleased confused and hurt. You got off of Abaddon after you scratched her a bit. You chased her away and You turned back to human and he said "Your a witch." You said "How did you know?" He said "I saw you doing spells on a dummy." You sighed and said "Sorry for not telling you..." He said "It's ok but no more secrets no more." You nodded and said "ok I'm a going to practice more on spells." And you walked away

Lucifer-  He already knew the devil knows everything. Jk. Sam was trying to hurt him  and you turned into a bear and ran Sam away but you didn't hurt him cause you didn't want to. You had a soft spot for the winchesters.

A/N SORRY Lucifers is so short and if you want to request go ahead I am working on another update right now so don't worry! And 2 updates in 1 day!! School starts Friday so I can't update Friday but I am going to try to update 1 time a day it will be hard but anything for you guys! ❤️

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