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2 months later

It was the last One Direction show coming up, and everyone would be there. EVERYONE including Y/n, the two babies, Harry's parents and family. Thank gosh because Y/n would need some help, it was hard watching Darcy run around and make sure Isaiah was okay. The family was at home because the show was in the UK and they wouldn't have to leave for two more days. Y/n just put both kids down for a nap when she walked out to Harry on the phone with their person who dressed them. "Yeah, red and floral. Great thank you bye." Harry hung up the phone and rubbed his eyes, something he does when he's stressed. Y/n knew something was up, so she asked him. "What's wrong?" Harry motioned for her and she walked to him and he picked her up and placed her on the counter. He put both arms on either side of her and sighed. "I'm scared. After this last show we're done and I don't know that the fuck I'm going to do. Tomorrow I leave OUR label and go to MINE. In a few days I start writing more for MY record. MY record, Y/n. I don't know how to act right now." Y/n pulled Harry's long hair back and touched his face. "Have I not told you already that it'll be amazing? You have a few songs up your sleeve and I know you have more up there." Y/n pointed at Harry's forehead. He leaned up and kissed Y/n, making her lean back on the counter. "I love you. Are you ready to go down the solo road with me?" Y/n smiled and kissed Harry again hugging him as tight as she could. "You know I am." Harry leaned back up taking Y/n with him and she put her legs around his waist, carrying her to the couch. "So both babies are down, hm?" Y/n nodded yes and Harry kissed her neck as he laid her down on the couch. "Good because I'd like to have some fun before we have to go in the morning." Harry removed his and Y/n's shirt, both naked from the waist up. Before Harry could try anything more Isaiah started crying. "Shit." Y/n got up and touched her breasts. "He's hungry. I'll go get him can you check on Darcy?" Harry nodded and left his shirt off to check on Darcy. He looked into her room to find her still sleeping soundly. He smiled and slowly closed the door and walked to his and Y/n's room. "You know I was thinking." Y/n was burping Isaiah and answered Harry. "You? Hm. Go on." Harry smirked and sat on the bed next to her. "I want to move. Again. I mean to California because a lot of my shows are going to be in California and I don't want to stay in hotels. Before I did anything I wanted to talk to you since your sister and niece are here. I talked to mum and everyone and they are okay with it. But I know it's not just me and your opinion is my number one priority. Thoughts?" Isaiah was asleep again and Y/n laid him down in his bassinet and looked for one of Harry's shirts for her. "I don't know. I mean that's a big move not just for me but for the Darcy and Isaiah, Harry." Harry knew that but this was a big opportunity for him and he wanted her and the babies there. "Y/n this is gonna be big. At least I hope. Plus there is that audition I want to do in a month or two. Remember, Dunkirk I mentioned? I got called again to audition. I can really break out into other things. We can keep the house here for when we come home and your sister can live here if she wants while we are gone to get away from your mum. I just know this is going to change our lives more than One Direction did." Y/n looked Harry in the eyes and knew he was serious. She wanted what was best for him no matter what and she loved him with her entire soul. "Alright. Let's do it." Harry picked her up into a hug but she shouted a little. "On one condition. I want a pool. I've always wanted one but I couldn't. Only if you can afford it." Harry smiled and his dimple was huge on his face. "You got it. Anything you want and it's yours." Y/n had Harry let her down and she grabbed his hands. "Right now all I want is for you career to be astronomical. Tours, albums and more. It's going to happen but don't forget where you came from. The boys are still going to be in your life and they are part of the reasons why both of us are standing here. Without them we might not have met." Harry kissed Y/n's hands and pulled her in for another hug. "I know. I love them but I love you so fucking much. I love Darcy and Isaiah. But I'm still a little nervous. What do you say after the last show we go to California and look at houses?" Y/n looked at Harry but he was serious. "I mean we can but what about the babies?" Harry went to lay on the bed and she followed, straddling him. "Well of course they will be with us I'm not leaving them here with anyone. Maybe when we find a house we can let mum or Gemma come out and watch them while we go shopping for it." Y/n leaned down and kissed Harry. He started to caress her legs and she kissed his neck. "Y/n it's been eight weeks we have to do something soon or I'm going to explode." Y/n looked Harry in the face and shook her head no. "Not until I get out on birth control and that won't be for another week. You can wait until then and you have a hand." Harry gasped and laid his head back. "Or your mouth." Y/n slapped his chest and got off of him. Harry's phone rang and it was Niall. "Yeah. Yeah, okay we can I'm sure. Love ya mate." Harry hung up and looked at Y/n. "We have to leave tonight."

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