Family time

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Isaiah was almost six months old and growing like a weed. He was sitting up now and able to reach for everything. Darcy was a little over two and still Harry's twin. "Y/n! Are you ready?" The family was going home to visit their families before Harry started pre production for Dunkirk next month. "Yes! Changing diapers!" Y/n held Darcy's legs and changed her diaper while Isaiah waiting for his turn. "I think it's about time for a certain princess to start being potty trained. What you think?" Darcy did agree with her, surprisingly. She was incredibly intelligent for a two year old and Y/n didn't think potty training would be too bad for them. "Alright, mister man. Let's change your butt and go to see Mamaw." Harry came in to collected Darcy, swinging her over his shoulder. "We're going to the car it's cooling down and if you wanna bring him I'll strap him in." Y/n finished changing the baby and kissed his little nose before putting him in his seat. She carried the seat out and let Harry put him in, still the only one who was allowed to do it. "Are you ever going to allow anyone else to do this?" Y/n got in and shook her head. "Nope. Never. Unless I have no choice." Harry smiled and got in the car to the plane. "I'm excited to be home. It feels like we haven't been there in years." Harry kept a straight face and didn't really answer Y/n. "Are you okay?" Harry kept his stern look but answered Y/n. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda worried." Y/n didn't really know what he was worried about. "Worried? What about?" Harry's hand gripped in the steering wheel. "I don't want you to stay by yourself while I'm gone. I'll be gone a whole two months, Y/n. That's a long time to be without someone's help. I'd like for you to stay in England so my mum and everyone can help you. You and I both know there are gonna be days where you need time to yourself." Y/n wasn't really thinking about that. Rather, she didn't have time to think about it. "I mean yeah. We have a house here and it's not far from everyone. Sounds like a good idea, honestly." Harry was relived he didn't have to fight Y/n on it. Harry started overthinking, as he always did. "Maybe when I'm away you could come visit me. Like a night or two? I'm sure I'll have a day or two off." Y/n touched Harry's knee as he was driving and rubbed it. "You know it. Don't have to ask me twice." Harry smiled a little bit and kept driving. Y/n noticed the plane was bigger than usual but she liked it. It was a lot roomier inside too. Both babies was fast asleep so that let Harry and Y/n sleep some too. She cuddled up to him, not letting any space in-between them. "I'm not ready to leave you. At all." Y/n cuddled into his neck and smiled, trying to hold back tears. "I know me neither. But it's for a good thing. This is big for you." Harry rubbed Y/n's back and both fell asleep until they started touching the ground.
    Y/n and Harry pulled up to Anne's and she came out ready to see her babies. Harry let Darcy out and she ran to Anne and hugged her knees. "Hello my darling! How's my sweet lovely?" Darcy giggled and gave Anne a big hug. Harry was holding Isaiah and he reached out for Robin. "There's a big boy. Woah you're heavy." Isaiah didn't want Robin to hold him, and reached out for Y/n. "He wants mommy, doesn't he?" Y/n took her boy and he cuddled up to her. Harry went to the house they owned and put their things inside. He was terrified to leave everyone for two days let alone two months. But he had a surprise for Y/n he wasn't quite ready to tell yet. He planned on working and writing the album while filming but he wanted to take a trip to officially start recording and writing with others. He pulled out of he rental house and went back to his mums. They all went to Anne's garden outside and Gemma was there as well. When Harry walked in Gemma was holding a sleeping Isaiah. "There he is! A big move star now. You ready for your Oscar speech?" Harry blushed a little and noticed Y/n sitting in the corner with Darcy on her lap. "Yeah sure. Is Y/n okay?" Gemma looked over at her, confused. "I think so but I think her nerves are settling in. I told her I'd be here for a month before I have to leave and I'd stay with her so she won't be alone, but I think it's more missing you." Harry agreed with his sister and walked over to Y/n. "You know you don't have to be nervous. I know you are, so don't say you're not. You know I'd love for you to go with me but you can't." Y/n looked at Harry and then back down and held Darcy closer. "I know but I guess it wasn't as real in LA but now we're home it's starting to set in that you'll be gone for awhile. I'll just miss you." Harry hated when Y/n was upset so he tried his best to make her happy. "You can come visit as soon as I'm able to get permission. We've done this before in a way." Y/n let Darcy down and stood up. "I know but this time we have two kids and it's gonna be hard." Harry hugged Y/n tight and kissed her cheek. "I love you so much. I'm going to miss you. This isn't easy for me either, but I wanna go away to write the album after the movie. Some place where we can swim and have fun while writing...possibly record some music." Y/n had her chin on Harry's chest looking up at him. "Where are you thinking?" Harry smiled at her, looking into her eyes. "Jamaica."

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