Harry Styles

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May 12th, 2017

Harry's first solo album was coming out today and it made everyone on edge. He worked really hard on it and he just found out he was supposed to have a small tour to debut his career in September. "Shit shit shit." Y/n was bringing both kids with Harry to Anne's to listen to the album and make it a whole family occasion. Of course Gemma grabbed both babies (as she should) and was off to play with their aunt, both not understanding what their daddy's music was. Harry had sweat stains from being nervous and his hair was a mess. Since it was short it didn't get greasy as bad but when he sweat it was like he took a shower. The clock struck noon and it was officially out. (I'm not sure what time it was actually released but for dramatics). Everyone was there, including a sick Robin, Anne's husband. He had been with Harry every step of the way since X factor but he wasn't doing too well. He had cancer it was tearing up apart but he stayed in good spirits.
From "Meet Me in The Hallway" to ""From the Dining Room Table" everyone's ears focused on Harry's vocals. The album finished and Anne went to Harry, hugging him. "It's wonderful, my darling. I'm so proud of you." Robin followed but slowly giving Harry a hug. "So proud." Next was Y/n who was sitting across from Harry. She just looked at him with adoring eyes. It was officially out and he was a solo artist. "Well?" Harry extended his arms to Y/n and she got up and ran into them. "I loved it. It's such a beautiful album. I can't wait for the next one." Harry hugged his girl tight and hovered her over the floor. "The next one? Might have to wait a few years." Harry kissed Y/n a few times and hugged even tighter. Darcy walked the door wanting a juice and noticed her mommy and daddy. "I want hug." Harry picked Darcy up and hugged her as well. They all took pictures together and celebrated later into the evening. Harry received a call from his managers letting him know the album is charting already. Harry was shocked and all he could think was he had to tell the boys. He called Niall first, hoping he's answer. "Mate! The album is beautiful. So proud of you!" Harry heard from the other boys, Louis asking about Darcy and Isaiah of course. Harry was extremely overwhelmed and couldn't wait to get on stage to perform this new material.
The family went home and both kids were asleep and their seats. Harry and Y/n both carried one of their children to their beds and decided on a shower. At first it was just Harry but Y/n wanted to sneak in behind him. "Boo!" Harry jumped back and got soap in his eyes. "Ouch! Shit!" Y/n wiped the soap from his eyes and rinsed his face off with the cool water. "I'm sorry are you okay?" Harry took a moment to gain his sight but he was okay other wise. "You scare me I didn't even know you walked in here." Y/n smiled and turned around to get her hair wet. "Well that's payback from where you used to scare me all the time." Harry handed her shampoo and conditioner to her so she could get her shower started. "So you liked the album, hm?" Y/n turned around to get the soap in her hair. "Are you kidding? I loved it." Harry looked a bit worried about something. "Whats wrong? Do you not like it?" Harry shook his head a bit, stating it wasn't that. "It's just...Robin. I'm worried about him. I mean fuck Y/n he's been there since I was 7. He's losing his battle you can just tell." Harry started to get a little emotional, his voice cracking. "Harry hes a strong man. He's fought a good fight. He's tired but that doesn't mean he's leaving you anytime soon. He could be around another four years." Harry instantly answered her as she finished. "Or four months? You don't know, Y/n. I could lose him, Darcy, Isaiah or even you in an instant. You know how much I hate loss. I have press coming for the album, Dunkirk premiere in July and these shows in September. What if he dies while I'm gone? What if I never see him again after I leave? Mum would be defeated as would I and Gemma. I couldn't live with myself knowing I might not be there." Harry got out, not being able to finish his shower, leaving Y/n standing with soap in her hair. She washed it out and followed Harry, stopping when he did. "Harry turn around. Look at me." He did just that, his eyes full of tears and his lips puffed out slightly. "I can't, Y/n. I can't I just can't." He wiped his eyes with his hands Y/n walked towards him. "I know. I know. Robin loves you so much. Why don't we go over as much as we can? Maybe two or three times a week? Let the babies stay over a little bit? You leave in three weeks to promote the album? All we will do until then is spend time with him and make sure he knows how loved he is. Until then remember the album is out! All of your hard work the last almost two years is here and out to the world." Harry hugged Y/n carrying her to the bed, their bodies becoming one. "You know what to say every single time. Without fail." Y/n had Harry's head on her chest, petting his hair. "It's what I'm here for."

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