One done

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Harry was late at the studio again today. He said he was finishing up a song in completion and he wanted Y/n to come down to the studio and listen to it. She didn't know why, but he was set on it. She arrived at the studio after letting Anne get the babies and taking them to lunch. When she walked in she expected everyone to be there but it was only Harry. "Hey." He kissed her and grabbed her hand and placed her on his lap. "Before I play this for you I wanted to tell you I love you. I know we've had a rough two years, losing a baby and such. This song is dedicated to you. Almost as if the baby is telling you it's going to be alright.

Y/n listened and teared up almost instantly. It was beautiful. "Harry...I don't know what to say." Harry had tears in his eyes and rubbed her back, consoling her. "It hasn't been easy. Writing this song and keeping it from you. I started it, got over halfway and then Mitch and a few others took over because it made me too emotional." Y/n wanted to listen to it again and Harry let her. She was silent for the whole song, taking in Harry's voice along with the music. It meshed so beautifully and it was a song that was meant to be. "I know you wasn't far along. I know you think it's your fault we lost the baby but it wasn't. It's nobody's fault but now our family is complete. We have Isaiah and Darcy. The baby sent Isaiah to us and wanted you to be happy. Just like I do." Y/n's face softened but she got up off of Harry's lap. "I don't know what to say." Harry followed her but kneeled in front of her. "You hate it." Y/n looked up at Harry, shocked he would say that. "Absolutely not. I love it. I love it so much and I don't think I could love it anymore. It's beautiful and it makes me wonder what if the baby was here. Sure you're right. I do think it was my fault sometimes but things like this happen to women all the time unfortunately." Harry took Y/n's hands in his and kissed them. "I also wanted to tell you this will be my first single off this album. I'm looking to debut it in April. A long time from now but I couldn't wait to show you. We have a long way yet for this album. Still more songs to write and record but I just couldn't wait for you to hear it. I have it on my phone now so anytime you want to hear it or any other song from the album let me know. I have no problem letting you listen to it." Y/n jumped up and hugged Harry, almost pushing him on the floor. "I know I tell you this all the damn time but I love you more than anything. Seeing you cry those few weeks broke my heart, ripped it out and threw it out. Come on." Harry picked Y/n up as he got up and put her down. "Let's go to lunch and clear those eyes, okay? Maybe even go shopping for a little while. I'm not taking no as an answer."
Harry and Y/n walked inside of the studio and went straight to the car. Paparazzi wasn't around because nobody knew where Harry was. He never announced he was going anywhere so it was nice. He opened the door for her and she got in. She collected herself a little me and put on her eyeliner and mascara. He got in and sat waiting for the car to cool down a little. "Where to?" She shrugged her shoulders, having no idea what she wanted to do. "Anywhere then? Perfect." He pulled away and Y/n had no idea where he was going. He finally stopped at a beachside diner that had next to nobody inside. The lunch was good but Y/n was silent for a lot of it. "Is something wrong? I didn't mean to upset you if I did." Y/n wiped her mouth and looked at Harry. "It's the song. I love it and it means so much to me. I can't believe you wrote that for me. I guess I'm still in a little shock." Harry looked her in the eye and smiled. "Y/n I do all of this for you. Do you know who you are? The best person in my life. I didn't know what I was doing before we met. Performing on stage and having the same routine every single night. Perform, sleep, rehearse and repeat. That's what my life was. When I met you it changed and I'll be forever grateful for you. Now we're married and have two beautiful kids. One with a birthday in a few days at that." Y/n and Harry left the diner and went shopping. Harry found a black and white shirt with trees on it.

 Harry found a black and white shirt with trees on it

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Y/n found some necklaces and some outfits. She'd gotten used to letting Harry buying her things because she knew it was no use and he was going to do whatever he wanted. They got back to the house and the kids was there with Anne and Robin. "How was the studio?" Robin asked Y/n who had Isaiah in his arms. "It was beautiful."

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