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Y/n woke up with Harry snoring in her ear. She got up and he moved to cuddle her pillow. His hair flowed over his face and it tickled his nose. She wanted to take a shower to get ready for Darcy and Isaiah. She started the water and turned it almost as hot as it would go. Her hair got wet and she put her shampoo in, the water scalding her scalp but she liked it. Harry didn't wake up until she was halfway dressed and he had a horrible headache. "Oh my god my head is on fire." Y/n was putting her shirt on and started her makeup. "Maybe you shouldn't have drank so much crazy." Harry got up and put his hair in a bun and put on his pants and shirt. "Yeah maybe. Damn I'm hungry. What time is it?" Y/n checked her phone and noticed she had a text from Anne that they were bringing the babies now. "It's 10:30 and your mum is on her way." He nodded and came over to Y/n and hugged her tight. "I love you I'm still sorry about last night. Do you forgive me?" Y/n hugged on Harry too and leaned her head back on his shoulder. " I do. Just don't do it like that again." Harry kissed her cheek and Y/n turned around and gave Harry a real hug, which he loved. He picked her up and hugged her tight and she leaned back and Harry kissed her. The kiss turned into a makeout and Harry felt Y/n all over. He put her on the bed and kissed her neck. "Harry no. Kissing is fine but no sex no matter how much we want it." Harry mumbled "mmhhmm" into her neck and Y/n could have given in right there. Harry continued to kiss her neck and moved up to her lips again. Their tongues twisted around each others tongue and Harry was almost ready to risk it all. Harry fell off of Y/n and sighed, wishing he could go further. "God I love you." Y/n raised up and laid on Harry's chest, cuddling u onto him. "I love you too." Y/n kissed Harry's jawline and down his neck, making Harry want more and more. Harry grabbed Y/n and cuddled her more, glad they could spend time together. The couple almost fell back asleep and there was a knock at their door. Y/n checked the time and she didn't think it would be them yet but she was wrong. She answered the door and Darcy ran to  her and Y/n picked her up hugging and kissing her. "How's my baby girl?" Darcy giggled and hugged Y/n again putting her face in Y/n's neck. Anne came in with Isaiah in his car seat and he was wide awake. Harry came to him and took him out and held him. "Hey, little man. Did you have a good night?" Isaiah wiggled around in Harry's arms and smiled when he recognized Harry's face. "Darcy ate some apples a little bit ago and Isaiah ate about an hour ago." Y/n thanked Anne and shut the door, Anne wanting to get in her room to get ready for the show later. "Momma!" Darcy ran again to Y/n and hugged her legs. "Are you ready to go to lunch?" Darcy smiled and threw her arms up in the air. Y/n went over to Harry holding Isaiah and took him out of Harry's arms. "I missed you, baby. I can tell you're hungry again. You want milk?" Y/n started breastfeeding the baby and Darcy jumped in Harry's lap and they took pictures together. "Say cheese, Darcy." Darcy put a huge grin on her face and showed all of her teeth. Harry tickled her making her smile and kissed her cheek to take a picture. Isaiah finished eating and burping so Y/n put him back in his seat and they were off to grab the lunch Harry promised.
All four went to a little restaurant close to the hotel, not wanting to go far because Harry needed to be back in a few hours. They got seated and ordered food, and Darcy started whining. "Want juice!" Harry looked stern at her, right in the eyes. "You will get juice. You have to be patient. It will come to you, Darcy. You have to give the people time to get it for you." Y/n smiled and watched Isaiah, who was asleep in his seat. "Is he asleep?" Y/n covered him up so people wasn't look in at him. "Yeah he's out cold. I kinda hope he wakes up before the show so he will be asleep during so I can watch and not have to worry about him." Harry helped Darcy cut up her food and helped her take bites. She ate almost all of it but Y/n didn't eat a whole lot. "Why didn't you eat?" Y/n shrugged her shoulders, not knowing why. "I don't know I guess I'm nervous about the show and after tonight One Direction is history." Harry smiled and held his hands out for Y/n to take. "It might be over but I don't have much a break. When the show is over we are getting on a plane to LA to go house shopping, remember? I'll probably record some of the album in LA. I was thinking about going on a vacation to write. Kinda like a hideaway, but I was also thinking about doing a documentary. Do you think that would be cool?" Y/n pursed her lips, not quite sure. "That would be interesting. Would I be involved in this "vacation?" Harry folded his eyebrows and pierced at Y/n. "Duh. You're my wife of course you and the babies will be there I'm not going to wherever without you." Y/n heard little whines in the car seat and Isaiah was wiggling around trying to wake up. Darcy finished her food with Harry's help and drank almost all of her juice. They all left and headed to the theatre where the show was taking place. Harry held Y/n's hand and he was carrying Isaiah and Y/n held Darcy, walking into the building. Are you ready for the finale of One Direction?

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