First draft

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"Y/n....come on! I want you to go to the studio today." Harry pulled Y/n out of bed and draped her over his shoulder. "Harry I don't want to go today. Besides aren't you on a break...or hiatus?" Harry continued to carry her to the car strapping her in. "Don't worry my mum is in our guestroom to watch Darcy and Isaiah for a few hours. I just wanted you to hear the finished version of a draft." Y/n looked down and realized Harry didn't let her change her clothes. "Harry I'm in my pajamas! Nobody is supposed to see these. You're lucky I wasn't wearing the ones you like." Harry put his hand on his chin and smirked. "Well if that was the case we would have had some extra curricular activities in the back seat. But alas, you did not. But it's only going to be us in there so I don't care what you wear." Y/n looked out the window and Harry held her hand, squeezing it. "Are you okay?" Y/n shook her head that wasn't very convincing to Harry. "Yeah I just can't wait for your album to drop. It's going to be big. Huge. So many interviews and performances and I'm so excited to hear your first of both." Harry knew she was excited for that but he also knew how bad Y/n was at hiding stuff. "Baby tell me what's really eating at you." Y/n felt some nerves kick in and she felt nauseous. "I'm...Nevermind." Harry finally pulled into the studio and got out, Y/n thinking she won this conversation. He help her out and led her in and sat her down. "You didn't win. Now please tell me what's wrong. Where is this worry coming from? You was fine yesterday." Y/n played with her fingers and her pajama pants. "I'm scared that once you start your solo career you'll forget about me. Like not come home a lot or leave me and the babies hanging. I know you wouldn't but you know how bad my anxiety is. I had a nightmare about it and ever since it's been driving me crazy." Harry sighed and got up looking at the recording booth. "That will never happen. No matter where I go you'll be there. It'll take time to get used to but that's what makes a solo career great. Getting used to everything and finding it out as we go." Harry grabbed her hands and kissed them. "If you think I'd ever get tired of you then I'm not doing my job as your husband. I never want you to feel that way." Y/n looked at Harry's eyes and could tell he was sincere. "I know you would never but it's my anxiety. I've had it all my life I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry." Harry took Y/n's hand with his and sat on a chair in the studio next to the speakers. "You have no reason to be sorry. Your anxiety is justified and you will never have to apologize to me. I wish I could take it away from you and make it all better." Harry pushed some the hair out of Y/n's eyes and smiled at her. His dimples prominent and it was almost as if she fell in love with him all over again. She leaned into him and kissed him softly. She sat in his lap as he started to play the song. "Sorry to break the moment of cuteness here but this is a first draft recording of Only Angel. Remember that?" How could she forget? She shook her head yes and he played it.

"Told it to her brother, to her mother and me
That she wants to be an angel, just you wait and see
When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets
And, believe me, I am all about it
Painted on your back, I knew we'd get along
But I caught you in the mirror staring way too long
I could love her if I didn't think I'd do it wrong
I'm gonna have to take you home, hey"

Y/n's eyes told him all he needed to know. "Soooo?" She looked at him and blushed. She knew what the painting line meant because...well. "I'm gonna take it that you loved it." Y/n was still blushing when she got up. "It was...different. Kinda the same but...different too. Harry came up to her and held her by her waist. "You recognize anything? A certain action maybe?" Harry leaned in and kissed her neck, making her neck look like she had polka dots. "I decided not to use that because it seems a little naughty for a first album release." Harry continued to kiss Y/n until she pulled his hair for him to stop. "Whats wrong?" Y/n didn't want to do it there and she let him know. "Well where can we go? We can't do it at home with my mum there. That's nasty." Y/n was becoming more excited but really tried to stick to her guns. "Please baby. Please I just need you." Harry took his index finger and traced Y/n's jawline. He stopped at her lips and his lips took place. She finally gave in and Harry carried her into the actual recording booth. "As always these are soundproof. When I'm done it'll look like a mural was painted."

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