Just keep swimming

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Y/n was keeping to herself a little bit more lately. Harry was working until three or four and then coming back extremely tired. Good news is he's off today and swimming was on the agenda. Y/n woke up first but Harry kept her close. "You're not going anywhere, baby. I've got you." Y/n rolled over on her elbow and looked at Harry. "You don't have me I can get out whenever I want." Harry lifted his head and opened his eyes. "Try it." Y/n wiggled around and Harry wouldn't let go, but he managed to get her under him, grabbing her wrists. "I told you." Her face was a little red from embarrassment and gave up. He smiled and kissed her, slowly becoming more passionate. Harry's hands went under her legs and he lifted them both in the air so her calves were on Harry's hips. Y/n pulled Harry closer to her and ran her fingers through his hair. "Take it off." She didn't do what she was told so Harry told her again. "Take it off, princess." Y/n still didn't and started to tease. "I see even with the haircut you still have the long hair energy, hm?" Harry looked at her and smirked. He grabbed her shirt and ripped it off of her and kissed her collarbone. "I miss you." Harry laid on top of her for a moment and Y/n caressed his hair. "I miss you too. I know you're working a lot so I've been doing my best to not disturb you." Harry looked Y/n in the eyes and sat her up, putting her on his lap. "You'd never disturb me. I don't care if you come down to the studio every day. Mum can watch the kids and we can just stay in the studio for a while. I've been writing a new song but that's for another day. Believe me it'll be worth the wait but until then I just wanted to love you and kiss you." Harry touched her face and kissed her again, his soft pink lips moving in sync with hers. Y/n fell back on the bed with Harry on top and he removed his shirt along with his pants. He started to take Y/n's pants off when he heard three little knocks at the door. "Daddy." Harry sighed and kissed Y/n again and got up, putting on his pants. Y/n laughed a little and he turned around not noticing his problem. "I'll get you later." Y/n put her shirt back on and Darcy ran in and barely climbed on the bed. "Mummy we swim?" Y/n ran her fingers through Darcy's curly brown hair, and smiled at her. "Of course we are, baby. Do you want breakfast?" Darcy ran out of the room which meant yes, and Y/n started to get up but Harry stopped her. "Like I said, we will finish this later." Y/n leaned in and kissed Harry, lingering a little longer than what she usually would have. She turned around and heard Harry growl but she kept walking. She woke Isaiah up and changed his diaper to get ready for the day. "Are you ready to go swimming baby?" He gave her a big smile and she put him down, and he started "walking" with her behind him. He fell and started crawling, going to Harry when he seen him. "Woah! Good morning, big man." Harry picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Are you guys ready for swimming today?" Darcy was so excited she almost fell out of her little chair. Harry caught her with Isaiah in his hands. "Woah! Be careful, baby you almost went down. Eat your bananas and strawberries, okay?" Harry put Isaiah in his chair and cut up some bananas and strawberries for him as well. Anne walked into the room almost ready to go. "Are we not ready yet? The water is waiting!" Y/n put some extra clothes in their bags for the day and they were ready after everyone finished eating. Harry and Y/n put both kids in the car and they left just down the road to the water. Anne took Darcy with her to play and Y/n carried Isaiah into the water. He splashed around and was weary of it at first. Harry took a surfboard out and laid on it for awhile while Y/n  splashed around with the baby. He wanted to come out so Y/n put a little Mickey Mouse ball cap on him and let him play in the sand.

         Harry came back in and took Isaiah with him to the deeper water scaring Y/n in the process

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         Harry came back in and took Isaiah with him to the deeper water scaring Y/n in the process. "Don't worry, baby I have him!" Y/n nodded her head and went over to Anne and Darcy playing in a little deep water. "Mommy look." Darcy dunked her head on the water and came back up smiling. "That's wonderful, baby girl. Come swim with me." Y/n held Darcy and took her by herself for awhile. "Are you having fun today?" Darcy was kicking her legs, letting water splash all over her. "Yeah want daddy more." Y/n wiped water off of Darcy's face and kissed her cheek. "I know, baby but daddy is doing something special. He's making music and you know how much he loves music." Darcy continued to swim but looked a little sad. "More than me? More than Isaiah?" Y/n was shocked to hear that come out of her mouth. "Oh my gosh no. Absolutely not. Your daddy loves you more than anything in this galaxy. You and Isaiah are his favorite people and he would give everything up to see you happy. So would I." Darcy hugged Y/n as tight as she could. "Love you mummy." Y/n hugged her tight as she could, not letting go. "I love you too, baby." Harry wanted Anne and Robin to watch both babies so he and Y/n could swim together. Once they were alone Harry had Y/n wrap her legs around his waist and he walked around in the water that was up to his bicep. "Have I ever told you how much I love that bikini? Because I do. Very much." Harry squeezed her butt a little and she jumped, smacking his chest lightly. "Yes you have. A lot. I'm so glad you had this day off. We've missed you." Y/n hugged Harry tightly and he rubbed her back dreading letting go. "I have another song I want you to hear. It's kinda like "Only Angel" but a little more...eccentric. This is the last song I'm gonna show you the rest is a surprise." Y/n agreed and enjoyed the rest of their swimming day.
     Both babies fell asleep on the very small ride home and Y/n hated waking them up but they needed a bath after being out all day. After they had their bath and ate both went to bed exhausted. Y/n and Harry relaxed on the couch and talked for a while. "So this new song...is it going to get me going like the last one?" Harry smirked and raised his brows. "I'm hoping." Y/n looked confused but continued the conversation. "Whats it called?" Harry kissed her lips and whispered in her ear. "Medicine."

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