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Y/n woke up to go to Jamaica with Harry snoring in her ear. She laid in bed thinking about how fun this will be. Granted, Harry will be working during a good bit of it but he promised to have to time for her and the babies. It was 9 am and they had to leave at noon. As usual Harry wasn't packed but Y/n was. She got up and opened the curtains to their room and Harry hissed at her to close them. "No. You need to pack and the babies need their baths and breakfast. Get up." Y/n went into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth, hearing Harry roll out of bed and into the bathroom next to her. He kissed her on the cheek. "Morning." She smiled and spit into the sink answering Harry back. "Good morning. You better get to packing we leave in three hours." Y/n changed her clothes into short shorts and one of Harry's t shirts and looked in on Isaiah. He was still asleep but she went in and looked through his clothes and found his suitcase. She had his own diaper bag and bottles, but in the suitcase went ten outfits including swimming trunks, three pairs of shoes and his sunglasses. She also put in baby sunscreen, and swim diapers for him. She zipped up his suitcase and went to Darcy's room, where she was still asleep too. Y/n did the same for her, but no diaper bag. She was potty training but still had accidents. She put ten outfits and four pairs of shoes and her sunglasses. She hoped to remember her little stuffed elephant that she's had forever and anything she could think of. Both kids were packed and she would let them sleep for an hour more. Harry was packing his luggage when Y/n walked behind him and looked at his belongings. "I think you'll need more than that." He turned around and noticed Y/n in her shorts and t shirt. "Good lord. You look so damn good. Is that my shirt?" Y/n nodded and started to walk away when Harry grabbed her and started tickling her. "Harry stop!" Y/n laughed and tried to fight him but he was stronger than she was and they ended up "fighting" on the bed. Somehow Y/n managed to get on top of Harry and pin him down. "I win." Harry was enjoying his view and smirked at her. "Only because I let you." Y/n was caught off guard and Harry turned her around to where she was on the bottom. "Mmhhmm. Like I said, baby. I let you win." Harry leaned down slowly and kissed his girl. Their bodies started to melt into each others and Harry migrated to Y/n's neck. "Harry...uh....we can't you know we have to get ready." He kissed up her neck and stopped at her lips. "I know. I just love kissing you. I'm also making up for lost time." Y/n smiled but pushed him off making Harry fall off the bed. "Ouch. I don't know if that hurt my heart or my head more." Y/n stood up and fixed her pants and shirt. "Well that's what you get for trying to fuck me when you know we don't have time." Harry sat on the floor but shot up walking out of the bedroom to the living room with his suitcase. "I'm all packed and ready to go. Shouldn't we wake up our two gremlins?" Y/n sat on the couch with her phone in hand almost ignoring Harry. "Earth to Y/n...should we get the children up?" Y/n looked up and answered Harry quickly. "Oh yeah. I was just looking at the place we're staying at. "Look." Harry took Y/n's phone and scrolled through the pictures. "It's definitely beautiful. I'm gonna fuck you there. And there. And there." Y/n swiped her phone out of Harry's hand quickly. "You're impossible. And I bet you can't." Harry liked a challenge but didn't answer her and walked behind her to the bedrooms. He woke Isaiah up and Y/n Darcy. Harry changed the baby and put his clothes on him that Y/n laid out. "All right, big man. Are you ready for some sun and swimming? Let's go." Y/n was dressing Darcy when Harry carried Isaiah into the room. Darcy was whining wanting to sleep more and didn't want to cooperate with Y/n. "No mommy! I don't want on clothes!" Y/n was getting frustrated and Darcy kept crying. "Darcy you have to wear clothes. It's not an option. Now please stop." Harry had Darcy look at him and got to her level. "Darcy. We are going on a fun adventure don't you want to do that?" Darcy puffed out her bottom lip. "Yeah." Harry got closer to her and Y/n. "Now listen to me. Mommy is going to get you dressed and you are going to get ready and go have fun. Do you understand me? No fighting with me or mommy or you will be in trouble." Darcy nodded again and Y/n put her clothes on her without any trouble.
         Harry was feeding the baby in his high chair his breakfast when Darcy ran in and got in her chair. "Wow Darcy look at your piggy tails. Mommy did good, didn't she?" Darcy smiled and sat up in her chair while Y/n came through fixing her and Darcy's. "Here you go, baby. Go slow and take your time." Darcy licked her lips at her little breakfast. "Thank you mommy." Y/n kissed Darcy's forehead and sat next to her eating her breakfast too. The car would be at the house in about 45 minutes so it would give them time to do last minute things such as making sure everything was packed. "Harry when will the cameras be there?" Harry took a bite of his food and answered Y/n. "A week after we get there. I have some more things written. One song about a special woman in my life. Take a guess who." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and answered him. "Couldn't tell ya. You have so many." He blushed a little and smiled. "I'll show you later. Promise." The car finally pulled up to the house and the family left for their vacation including family time, swimming and writing one of the best debut solo albums.

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