Move in

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It was moving day for Harry and Y/n. Of course they didn't really have to lift a finger but Harry hated not helping the movers. Darcy was on Y/n's hip and Harry had Isaiah in his arms. Thank God Y/n's sister was still there to help because it would have been next to impossible for the two, having both kids while moving the things they had with them from their rental. "So we will have to buy everything new? Like everything?" Harry put Isaiah down in his swing and answered Y/n. "That's right. Everything. Even a bed. For ya know sleeping and such." Darcy was falling asleep in Y/n's arms so she laid her on the couch next to her. "Oh yeah? You mean where no babies will be made?" Harry extended his arm to Y/n and she took his hand and fell into his arms. "You excited?" Y/n felt Harry's chest and moved his hair from his face that fell. "Of course. You know I love decorating and such so this will be fun." Harry kissed Y/n and she kissed him back. "Auditions for Dunkirk are in two months. Plus writing the album and such. Do you want to stay here if I get the role? Or go with me?" Y/n put her arms around Harry's neck and looked in his eyes. "I think we should stay here. I don't want to drag the babies to different places like that and with a big move like this it's hard already. We don't even know if you'll get it anyway." Harry gasped and pulled her closer to him. "How dare you question my acting skills? I'm one of the best out there." Katie came through the door and closed her eyes. "Yeah no thank you. Raegan and I came to get the kids so you guys can help the movers. And do whatever else." She took the babies so Harry and Y/n was alone finally. Y/n wasn't paying attention and Harry picked her up over his shoulder and took her to the bedroom. "You know what I said right? Sex ban?" Harry "threw" her on the bed and got on top of her. "I didn't think you were serious. Come on baby please. I really need you right now." Y/n really didn't know what to do. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Literally. She looked into Harry's eyes and they were glossy. "What about the movers? They will be here any second. The last thing we want is for them to walk in to Harry Styles having sex." Harry sighed and fell to the side of Y/n. "You're right that would be bad. But they're not supposed to be here for another hour. We have plenty of time." Harry took Y/n's sides and pulled her on top of him. "Tonight it's gonna happen. I know we did it a few days ago but I've been so horny lately. I don't know what I'm gonna do when filming starts if I do get this part." Y/n leaned into Harry and licked his cheek. "You have a hand, don't you?" Harry popped his head back and sighed again. "I guess but you know it's not the same. I'll explode." Y/n leaned down to kiss Harry and he started moving his hands all over her. "Baby please just fifteen minutes." Y/n shook her head no and got off Harry, leaving him with a... situation. There was a knock at the door and Y/n looked at Harry. "See?" He calmed himself down and went to the door, letting the movers in.
Y/n and Harry entered their new home and watched the movers bring their things in. "Do you think we will stay here tonight?" Harry took her hand and walked to the kitchen with her. "I'm hoping. Your sister is keeping the kids tonight so we can get their things settled. But tonight only so she can go back home tomorrow." Harry took Y/n to the bedroom but walked in before her. She walked in and instantly noticed a huge bed already put together and in the middle of the room. "Harry Edward Styles you little shit." Harry smiled big and led her to the bed. "Might as well break in the new bed tonight. You okay with that? Can I please get off the ban?" He started kissing her cheeks and down her neck, making sure the movers wasn't around. "Maybe. Depends on what we get done." Harry's hair was getting in the way so he threw it up into a bun and sighed. The movers were almost done and then the two had their new home to themselves. "I miss my babies." Y/n was sitting on the counter in the kitchen and Harry was fixing food. "Do you want to go get them?" Y/n's face lit up and she jumped off the counter to hug Harry. "Yes yes please!" Harry hugged Y/n back tight and kissed her cheek. "Let's go then." The two got in the car and let Katie know to have them ready. "You know Darcy is going to be two in less than a month." Y/n played with Harry's fingers as he drove. "I know. She's getting so big. Isaiah will be three months in a few days too. We're getting old." Harry smirked at Y/n's comment. "Maybe you but not me. I'm hot as fuck and young as fuck." Y/n stuck her tongue out at Harry and he but his lip, getting out of the car, following her and smacked her butt. "Ouch!" He smirked and went to the car, opening her door. Darcy cried when she saw Harry and Y/n, him picking her up and giving her kisses. Y/n picked her boy up and he smiled at her. "Look at you, baby! My big boy." She kissed his face and he smiled bigger and Y/n knew he was getting hungry from breastfeeding. "We need to get home so they can eat and get ready for bed." Harry carried the car seat with Isaiah and Y/n with Darcy. "Yes we do because daddy wants to help mommy break in the new bed."

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