Lets go

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Harry was due back at anytime from Dunkirk. He finished wrapping the day before but it was too late for him to leave so he decided to leave in the morning.The next day they would be on a plane to Jamaica for a while. "Darcy? Can you please sit at the table with that?" Darcy pouted and sat on the floor, not listening to Y/n. "Excuse me. Did you not hear mommy? Please sit in the chair like a good girl." Darcy got up and got on her little chair and rubbed her eyes. "Thank you, baby." Y/n reached over and kissed Darcy's cheeks. Isaiah was starting to crawl and get into thing he shouldn't. "Isaiah no! Not the formula!" He somehow dumped the diaper bag and the formula Y/n used for when he didn't want to breastfeed went everywhere. "Oh my god. I'm going crazy. Now you need a bath you smell like formula." She threw Isaiah's clothes in the dirty clothes and started bath water. "I can't do this anymore. They are just getting too big and into everything. Harry better get home soon." Y/n let the baby play in the bathtub and she got her phone to message Harry.

Y/N: Please tell me you're almost home

HARRY: I'm almost home. Feel better?

Y/N: I'm serious Harry I'm drowning here. I'm exhausted.

HARRY: Sweetheart I just landed in London. I'll be home in about an hour.

Y/N: okay

Y/n watched Isaiah play until she cleaned him up and took him out to his room to put fresh clothes on him. Darcy was now on the couch and played with some toys she had. Y/n put a diaper on the baby and was figuring out an outfit when Darcy screamed "Daddy!" and Y/n walked out of the bedroom to see Harry standing in the living room holding Darcy. "How are you my little queen? Did you have fun with mommy?" Darcy screamed "yeah" and hugged Harry tightly around the neck. He rubbed her back and gave her a big hug while noticing Y/n in the room. "Well well. There's mommy now with a little boy. A big little boy." Harry held Darcy and walked toward Y/n, holding out his other arm for Isaiah. "You're almost grown now, sir. How dare you get this big. I've missed you." Isaiah smiled and screamed at Harry, making his dimple grow. He sat Darcy on the couch and Isaiah in his walker and walked over to Y/n. "And now my absolute favorite person in the entire world. Hi baby." Harry pulled Y/n in and kissed her. This wasn't like every other kiss, this one was two months worth of calls, texting and few visits. Harry and Y/n kissed and kissed until they both almost forgot where they were. "Hm. God I've missed your lips. All four of them." Y/n rolled her eyes and threw herself in Harry's arms. She hugged him tight, not realizing how much she really missed him. "Are you ready to go on a trip?" Y/n put both of her hands on Harry's chest, feeling excited. "Absolutely. As long as we get to sleep in the same bed I'm excited." Harry bit his lip and kissed Y/n's cheek and whispered in her ear. "Sleeping, fucking. Anything you want." Y/n could feel her face get hot and she buried it into Harry's shoulder. He kissed her hair and started to go toward the bedroom. "It feels so good to be home. Even if it is for a few days. We have to get swimsuits. Remember that bikini talk? Yeah that's still happening." Y/n put Darcy in her pack and play and grabbed the monitor that was pointed towards both kids and followed Harry. "And what are you going to wear?" Harry continued into the bedroom and straight to the bathroom for a shower. "Something plain. But enough about me. I wanna see you. Naked. Soon." Y/n leaned against the doorway of the bathroom and wished she could take a shower with Harry. "Can you wait until they are in bed? I want to shower with you." Harry out his clothes down and smiled. "Absolutely." Y/n and Harry went into the living room and Darcy was asleep in her pack and play so Harry carried her to her bedroom, tucking her in. He sighed and took off his shirt, starting to relax. "One down, one to go." Y/n picked Isaiah up and started feeding him to go to sleep. "How will he be one in a month? It doesn't seem possible." Slowly Isaiah drifted off to sleep and Y/n put him in his crib, hoping he stays asleep. Y/n turned the corner from Isaiah's room and Harry was standing there, ready to pick her up. "Hello." He picked her up over his shoulder and slapped her ass, carrying her to the bathroom. "I wanna take a bath instead of a shower." Harry put her on the sink and ripped her clothes off, gawking at her body. "We can do whatever you want." Harry kissed her neck and she grabbed the back of his head, forgetting how good it felt to her. He walked away and started their bath. Y/n sat naked on the bathroom counter, Harry putting bubbles in the water. He got in first and opened his body to her. She got in and they relaxed into each other. "You have no idea how much I've missed you. I'm never going away like that again. On the plus side I think this movie is going to be great. Or at least I hope. I just don't want to disappoint you." Y/n played with Harry's fingers in the water while he was talking. "You know better to think you could ever disappoint me. If it flops or not flops. That's the gamble you take with making movies. Maybe you'll do more later on." Harry rubbed her shoulders and she popped her neck, feeling instant relief. "Damn, Y/n. I'm surprised your head didn't come off." She laughed and leaned more up against his chest. "I love you." He kissed her cheek from behind and started to kiss her neck again. He didn't stop and started to feel her body over. She moaned a little and Harry started his own little show. The couple spent the best night in awhile together and couldn't wait to relax in Jamaica.

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