Harrys Hiatus

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2 weeks later

Coming home from the hospital was exhausting. Isaiah was one thousand times better but still a little tired. Harry was up with him a lot as was Y/n. Darcy was so excited to see them that she ran right into Harry's arms full speed. They went back to their home in England to be closer to family. Y/n and Harry laid on their bed after both children went to bed. "Do you mean what you said?" Harry couldn't remember what he said held of the time so he asked her to elaborate. "When you said you wanted to take your own hiatus. Like what do you mean?" Harry sighed and sat up moving Y/n from his arms. "I mean I don't want cameras in my face all the time. I want to stay home for more than a month at a time and to visit family. Not travel for one album and then fly across the world for god knows what else. I love it here and until April or May when the album comes out I wanna be free." It took Y/n a second to understand what he meant by "free." She looked at Harry and back at her hands. "You wanna be normal? That's next to impossible for you. You're one of the biggest stars on the planet. I don't know how you'll be able to do it." Harry got up and went over to the laundry basket in the corner of the room. He took off his shirt and left his boxers on. He sighed and got back into the bed. "I'm willing to try. I know I'll have to start promo the end of March and all kinds of shit. But until then I want to stay here. With you. With family. But most importantly you." Y/n blushed a little and got up herself, checking on the babies. Darcy was asleep in her new big girl bed and Isaiah was still asleep from earlier. It was hard for her to believe she will be three on her birthday in a few months. It seems as thought Y/n was just having her. Harry wandered through the home looking for Y/n. He noticed her staring into Darcy's room and walked up behind her. "She's getting big, isn't she?" Y/n wiped her nose and put her head on the side of the door frame. "She is. I don't want there to grow up, Harry. She's our first baby. She was there for everything." Harry put his hand on Y/n's side and turned her around. "She will always be our baby. No matter how old she gets. And she still won't be able to date until she's 25." Y/n smacked Harry's chest and hugged him. "I have an idea. Let's go to the zoo. We will take everyone. Tomorrow. How about it?" Y/n loved the zoo. She went one time during a field trip when she was little and she wished she could stay with the monkeys. "Yes I'd love that. I can't wait to see all the animals. Especially the monkeys." Harry picked Y/n up and carried her into the bedroom. "Well I think I have a spider monkey right here." Harry and Y/n started kissing and soon Harry's tongue slid down her body and made contact with her core. Y/n tried not to moan loudly incase she woke Darcy up especially, being so close. You do not scream. You do not moan. Nothing. Got it?" Y/n nodded and Harry went back to what he was doing. His hands laid firm in the bed on either side of Y/n. Y/n looked at them as she tried her best not to make a sound. She held her head back and played with Harrys hair as he was in between her legs. His hands were so veiny and...hot. She wanted them around her throat. She couldn't take it anymore as Harry's tongue continued to do its magic. "Mmmm." Harry stopped and looked at Y/n. "I told you not to make a sound. Didn't I?" Y/n shook her head no, playing with Harry. "I think I did. You're excited to see monkeys tomorrow but right now you're gonna get a tiger." He jumped on Y/n and instantly made her gasp with the feeling of him inside her. He kissed her neck and she scratched his back as hard and fast as she could. He licked her chest and made her eyes fall back into her head. Harry pulled out of her and pulled her on top of him, wanted to see her more. She climbed on him and gave Harry what he wanted. Watching Y/n move made Harry even crazier, if that was even possible. Y/n couldn't contained her self and practically exploded with pleasure on Harry. He loved it and wondered how long he could take it himself. He pushed through and Y/n was extra sensitive, hoping she can do it again. Harry changed positions with her and made her get in her hands and knees. Harry was feeling pretty good and was at a steady pace. "Y/n this won't take long this way." Harry felt himself move and realized he released and it was relieving for him. Y/n got up and laid next to Harry. "I'm ready for bed now. Are you happy?" Harry laughed, feeling sweaty. "Very. But I think I'm gonna get a shower before I do anything. Wanna join?" Y/n had Harry pull her out of bed and the two went into the bathroom, taking a shower together. The shower was hot and what they both needed. "I'm excited for tomorrow. Have you told your mum yet?" Harry was washing his hair but answered Y/n. " I talked to her already and she loved the idea. Seems like you do too." Y/n was getting ready to step out of the shower, grabbing her towel. "I am. But let me tell you. I better not get pregnant."

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