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The plane ride to Jamaica was getting long and tiring for everyone. Kids screaming and Harry attempting to write more songs made Y/n a tad aggravated. "Harry can you please go get him? He's going to open something he shouldn't." Harry sighed and put down his notebook and picked up Isaiah, putting him on his lap. "Y/n I'm trying to get this song at least halfway done. I'm supposed to get a little by the time we land. Give me a break." This made Y/n angry and she went to the restroom to calm down. She sat on the sink for so long Harry checked on her. "You okay? You've been in there a while." Y/n didn't answer and he turned around to go back to writing. Ten minutes later she came out with the same somber expression on her face. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to get this done so we can spend time together and not work as soon as I get there. This song is for one of the band members actually. It's a bout a girl who lives in the states. He's from the states, actually. I'm not sure his name I wasn't told. I didn't mean to sound cross, baby I'm sorry." Y/n sat next to Harry and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. "You're cute." Y/n blushed and looked at her babies both asleep. "Not even close, but how did you get them to sleep? So early in the flight too." Harry kissed her cheek again, but started kissing her neck too. "I'm just that good. How about I take you to the bed back there and show you how good I am?" Y/n grinned from ear to ear and ran to the back of the plane. Both kids would be out for a while so she wasn't worried. Harry caught her and somehow she pushed him down on the bed. Climbing on top of him, she smiled and kissed his cheeks. "You're cute." He smiled and his dimple showed making her melt. "I love your smile. It's my therapy." Harry caressed her legs and took a deep breath in and out. "Your happiness is my therapy. I'm sorry if I get short or anything to you. I don't mean to be. I set a deadline for myself on the album. I want to spend so much time with you. Love on you, kiss you and just be around you." Y/n held Harry's face and kissed him. The kiss deepened and Harry squeezed his sides. Harry turned Y/n so she was on the bottom. "You know I miss your long hair. Could you grow it out again? Or like just a few inches." Harry felt down her chest and started to unbutton the shirt she had on. "I'll give you a few inches." He looked at Y/n, trying not to laugh. "Not funny you know what I meant. How about nine?"
    Y/n and Harry joined the still sleeping babies in the main area of the plane and cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie. "Ah the after sex movie. It's the best kind of movie to watch." A few hours went by and the plane was still up in the air. "We only have about two hours left until we get there. You wanna start getting them ready? Maybe change into something more...heat tolerant?" Y/n picked out cute little summer outfits for them and put them on each one. The plane landed and Harry held Isaiah and Y/n held Darcy's hand as she hopped off the plane. There wasn't anyone around but cars to take them to their home away from home. "This is beautiful, Harry. How much did you pay for all of this?" Harry strapped Isaiah in and put Darcy in. "Money honey." Y/n nodded and didn't want to know after all. Y/n followed Harry into the house they would be staying in. Darcy ran around the room and Isaiah followed her wobbling around behind her. "Oh no you don't! We are not breaking anything in this house!" Harry grabbed both his children and they started to get fussy. "I'm going to take both of them and let them nap again. The time change had them mixed up." Harry kissed Y/n quickly before he went to help carry suitcases in. Harry carried the bags in and noticed a car coming up the driveway to the house. "Harry!"A man got out of the car and walked up to Harry and shook his hand. "I'm Tyler Johnson, producer. We talked on the phone. It's nice to meet you. I'm really excited to get the ball rolling on this. I have some great guys for you to meet tomorrow. And who is this?" Harry tuned around and smiled with Y/n coming to his side. "This is my wife, Y/n. Y/n this is Tyler Johnson one of the producers of the album." Y/n and Josh shook hands and greeted each other. "Nice to meet you." Harry held Y/n by her waist and continued to talk to Tyler. "I understand you have two little ones? That's so sweet for you two. Well, Y/n you and your children are more than welcome to come to the studio whenever Harry is there." Y/n smiled and was relieved. "Thank you so much. I better get back in there before one wakes up and looks for me. Again, it's nice to meet you." Y/n started to unpack their clothes starting with hers first. Both of her children laid on the big bed napping and she was trying her best to be quiet. Harry walked in and came up to Y/n and kissed her hard. "Well what was that for?" Harry caressed her body and smiled, pulling up her chin with his finger. "Can't I just kiss and love on you? Hm?" Y/n held his hand and put it on her chest. "Well of course you can, silly." Harry reached down and kissed her again. "Mommy?" Y/n pulled away and went over to Darcy. She was rubbing her eyes and her hair was wild. "Thirsty." Harry brought her cup to her and she drank her juice. Darcy laid back down and wanted Y/n to cuddle her. "Tomorrow is the first day of the studio. I have to start writing more too. I have to be there at 10 am but only until 3. Then after that I figured we could go to dinner and have fun." Y/n smiled and agreed with Harry. "I also have to meet some new guys who are gonna help me write. One I'm kinda weary of." Y/n wasn't sure what he meant. "What you mean weary of?" Harry ran his hands through his short hair and sighed. He worked at a pizza shop before this. I mean for him to work on this he must be pretty good but I don't know. You know I don't judge people but let's see how it goes." Y/n slowly peeled away from Darcy as she went back to sleep and moved next to Harry. "What's his name?" Harry sat on a chair next to her, and patted his leg. "Mitch Rowland."

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