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April 7th

Y/n woke up to Harry at his desk looking worried. "Harry? What's wrong?" He reached for her and pulled her into his lap. "Sign of the Times comes out in an hour. I didn't know until a few minutes ago." Y/n tightened her grip on Harry's shoulder. "Really? They didn't tell you to prepare? That's kinda messed up." Harry agreed with her but there was nothing he could do. "All I can do is hope people like it. It means a lot to me and you. Next thing is the album next month. God I hope people love it. I've worked so hard on it." Y/n ran her hands through Harry's hair and calmed him down. "It'll be great. Wonderful. Spectacular. Whatever other word that's positive it'll be that too. Just remember no matter what I'll be right by your side." Harry gave Y/n the biggest hug and decided to lay back in bed. It was only 7 in the morning so neither one of the babies had been up yet. Y/n snuggled next to Harry and she didn't think she could get any closer. She was glad Harry was the cuddle type. She loved tracing his tattoos over and over again and laughing when he gets the slightest tickle. "You know something else I'm worried about? Robin. Mum says he's not feeling well today. He seems to be getting weaker everyday." In the last two months Harry's stepdad was diagnosed with cancer and it really hit Harry hard. "He will be okay baby stop worrying. He's a strong man and brave. He's so proud of you." Harry let the subject go and continued to lay with Y/n.

"It's up! It's up!" Y/n was holding Isaiah when Harry yelled and it almost made her jump. Darcy was still sleeping and she wouldn't be up for another hour. She rushed into the living room and sat next to Harry. The video premiered with so many people in a chat. All excited to hear what music Harry was going to come up with. Then it started with the beautiful piano and Harry's voice was being heard alone for the first time. Nobody knows what the song is about but it didn't matter. Everyone has their troubles and it makes it special for each of them. Y/n smiled so big and she noticed Harry had a tear in his eye. "Harry are you okay?" Harry shook his head yes and looked at the tv even though the song was over. "I did it, Y/n. My first thing ever without the boys. Why do I feel guilty? I feel like I've left them. Should I feel this way?" Y/n put the baby down in his little seat and kneeled in front of Harry. "No absolutely not. Those boys love and adore you as a brother. They want you to be successful just like you want all of them to be successful. I'm sure it's a little strange but it'll be okay. We'll  be alright. I'm promise." Harry took Y/n's face in his hands and kissed her nose, cheeks and then lips. "You always know what to say. Fuck even when you're having a bad day you always make sure that everyone else is okay. We'll be alright." Harry got a text from his label and his eyes got wide. "The single is already charting. Not even an hour out it's charting. Holy shit I have to go tell mum. Harry called Anne who was still half asleep. "Mum my song came out. It's charting already. I know! It's crazy. Let's all go out tonight." Harry's smile faded when Anne spoke, signaling bad news. "Oh okay. Well tell him to feel better, will ya?" Harry hung up the phone and looked at at Y/n. "Robins not feeling well. Think he has a chest cold and he needs to stay out of the weather. Where do you wanna go?" Y/n thought about it but she couldn't think of anywhere. "Why don't we just have a movie night at home? Like Disney movies? Then after they go to bed we can watch some horror movies?" Harry liked that idea and agreed. They both loved nights in and knowing they wouldn't have a lot more like that with the many events coming up they took it all in. Y/n picked three movies for everyone and Harry picked three horror movies for the  rest of the night. "Movies?" Darcy loved princesses and magic and couldn't wait to start them. Isaiah didn't really understand the concept of movies yet but he loved the colors and music. It was a little later in the afternoon and the kids went down for a nap and Y/n cleaned the living room to make it nice for her family. "Baby the song is number one. Number. One." Y/n dropped what she had and ran into Harry's arms. "I'm so proud of you. I told you people would love it. It's a beautiful song. I can't wait for them to hear the rest of the album." Harry picked her up and carried her to the couch and hugged her more. "I feel like I don't thank you enough. Thank you. For coming into my life and changing it over night. You're amazing." Y/n smiled and kissed Harry. "I told you we"d be alright."

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