Sleepy girl

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It was November and the hiatus for Harry was going surprisingly well. He didn't leave the house a lot and spent time with his family. Y/n took Isaiah to her sisters for a visit and Y/n returned to their home for a little while. "Harry? Where are you?" Y/n entered her home to find her husband giving Darcy her lunch. "There's my baby girl. Oh, I'm sorry by almost three year old!" Y/n gave Darcy a kiss on her cheek and she shared her food with her. "Thank you, baby. Harry, a word?" Harry got up from his chair and followed Y/n to the living area. "Whats up?" Y/n pulled out her phone and showed Harry a picture. "I want to get Darcy this for her birthday. It's a little tent that she can take naps in and where you guys can have your tea parties." Harry laughed and sighed. "Well it looks like she's going to need that. We can't miss our tea parties. I won't have it." Y/n rolled her eyes and Harry smiled at her. "You know you seem happy. Like really happy. Why?" Y/n went back into where Darcy was and looked for a snack herself. "I love having you home. I love going with you on tour and stuff but there's nothing like being home." Harry watched Y/n eat her snack and agreed with her. "I love being here. Unfortunately it won't last forever and we have a big year ahead. Movie, album and god knows what the hell else will come up." Darcy finished her food and needed a nap. She was tired and started to get cranky.
Y/n put her down and laid with her for a little bit. When Darcy finally went to sleep Y/n sneaked out without a sound. She found Harry doing the leftover dishes and she was shocked. "I know. I know. Just call me a house husband." Harry wiped his hands and turned to lean against the counter. Y/n walked by him not acknowledging him and he didn't like that. "Excuse me? I'm right here." Y/n continued to walk by him and he pulled her to him and hugged her from behind. "I said excuse me I'm right here." She looked at him and stuck her tongue out at him. Harry kissed her neck and she laughed. He started tickling her and she snorted really loud and he loved it. "Harry stop!" She was laughing so hard and so was he. She turned around and kissed him to get him to stop. He pulled away and looked at her with a stern look. He grabbed her face and kissed her hard and put her on the counter. She almost felt whip lash from his movements and somehow they ended up on the couch. Y/n let Harry kiss her all over until he was back to her head. "Sorry. I couldn't help my-." Y/n kissed him and pulled his head to hers. Harry started to slowly moan but had a feeling he was being watched. He lifted his head up to see Darcy peaking around the corner. "Couldn't sleep without mommy." Y/n pushed Harry off of her and he fell to the ground and she got up to go to Darcy. "Ow." Y/n looked back and mouth "sorry" to Harry before she went back with Darcy. She covered her back up and laid with her for a little bit. "When is daddy leaving?" Y/n wasn't sure what she meant. "You mean to sing?" Darcy nodded and moved some of her dark hair out of her green eyes. "Well he has a new project coming out in May and June. So not far away. Why do you ask, baby?" Darcy cuddled up to Y/n even more. "I like watching. Fun." Y/n rubbed Darcy's hair and agreed with her. "It is fun, isn't it? You know, when you was in my tummy we went to shows with daddy and your uncles. Sometimes mommy didn't go because I wasn't feeling well but when I was feeling okay I went. It's almost all we did but I loved it. It was fun going to city to city. We got tired of it, but we still loved it just as much as daddy does. You wanna know something? We are gonna do that again really soon. This time both you and Isaiah will be there and watch the show. Daddy does this not only for his fans but for you two. He gives his all every night and he never stops." Y/n didn't realize but Darcy fell asleep and she didn't hear some of what her mother said to her. She kissed the top of her daughter's head and laid with her more. She was getting sleep and decided to take her a nap. When she woke up she noticed Darcy was still asleep and she slipped out. She found Harry texting his managers and smiling. "Baby look. The album is almost ready for the first listen. Give it about three weeks and we can go listen officially." Y/n was feeling excited and hugged Harry. "That's wonderful. When did you say the first single will come out?" Harry twisted his lips thinking. "April. So decently soon but not too soon. I have to go to the studio in about a week to lay down one thing they need. I'm so excited to start performing again. Solo is crazy to me. You think I'll be okay?" Y/n nodded at Harry assuringly. "You'll do great. You always do but incase you don't do what every performer does; imagine them in their underwear." Harry blushed a little but knew what she meant. "The only person I want to imagine is you. Now, where did we leave off?"

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