I cant

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June 2017

One month until Dunkirk
Three months until the first solo show

Harry was changing Isaiah getting him ready for the day when his phone rang and it was his mum. He sat down in the chair next to Isaiah and stared at the floor. Y/n wondered what was taking him so long so she went to go check on him while Darcy was still asleep in their bed. "Harry? Where you at?" She found him in that chair white as a ghost. Isaiah was sitting on the table and Y/n grabbed him so he wouldn't fall. "Whats wrong? What is it?" Harry wasn't answering her and she was worried. "He...he um...Robin. He's gone." Y/n put Isaiah down and hugged Harry and he let his tears free. "Honey I'm so sorry. So so sorry." Harry was at the verge of hyperventilating, losing one of his father figures. "I can't..I can't." He broke away from Y/n and walked out of the bedroom and went outside for some air. Y/n left him alone for awhile so he could get his emotions together. Anne called her when Harry went outside and she just finished crying.

ANNE: How is Harry?

Y/N: Not good. He cried for a few minutes really hard and now he's outside looking at the ground.

ANNE: Robin loves..loved you all very very much. You gave him grand babies that he talked about every chance he could. Watch Harry, Y/n. You know as well as I do how tender hearted he is.

Y/N: I will. Are you okay? Do you need us?

ANNE: I'm as to be expected I guess. But I have Gemma here you take care of Harry.

Y/N: You know I will.

Y/n and Anne hung up and Harry was still outside. He wanted to be alone so Y/n left it that way. He would talk when he's ready so she continued with her day. About an hour later he walked in with glass eyes and a red nose and headed to the bathroom to get a shower. Darcy was playing with her brother in the living room but Harry paid no attention to them. He was in his own world right now. Y/n called her sister to come pick up Darcy and Isaiah for a little while and when she picked them up Harry was still taking a shower. He took long showers anyway but this time was over an hour. "Are you okay?" Harry didn't answer he instead he was just standing in the shower under the water. The water was hot but he didn't move. "Harry this water is scalding you'll burn yourself. Please move." He took one step back but he acted like he could barely hear her. She pulled him out of the shower and he gave no pushback as if he was a mannequin being pulled off a shelf. She touched his chin and he looked at her, making eye contact with her for the first time in hours. "Hey. Right now Darcy and Isaiah are with my sister so don't worry about them. Don't worry about anything but you. I'm here whenever you need me. If you need time alone tell me and I'll leave you alone but if you need me come get me." Harry nodded and looked at Y/n, still with glossy eyes. "Thank you. You're an angel." Harry pulled Y/n into a hug getting her wet but she didn't care. He started crying again and Y/n consoled him the best she could. "I love you, Harry. He's not hurting anymore and he's finally healthy again. And you know what? You gave him two beautiful grand babies that will never ever forget him." He pulled away from Y/n and smiled. "I know that and believe it. He did love Darcy and Isaiah didn't he? Do you think he's proud?" Y/n smiled and sighed. "Oh baby of course he is. He's so proud of you he's going to be at every show and premiere." Harry stiffened up and rubbed his eyes. "You're right. I can't believe he's gone though. Just last month...he was there in his chair. Now he's nowhere. I need you right now. I have so much coming up but I'm afraid I'll forget him." Y/n pulled him over to the bed and gave him his clothes. He put them on and cuddled with Y/n on their bed. Once again she petted his hair and made him comfortable. She loved when he was cuddly but for other reasons. "You'll never forget him, Harry. Never ever. It'll take time. Grief is kinda like...the ocean. It'll come in waves and sometimes it's calm and other times it's overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim in it and not drown."

Hours later

Harry got up to wash his face and get the tear stains off of his face. He went to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub with his head down. Memories of Robin playing in his head. He pulled out his phone and looked through his thousands of pictures of memories of him and Robin. One really got to him and made him smile through the tears.

He sent it to his mum and closed his phone walking back to bed

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He sent it to his mum and closed his phone walking back to bed. A sleeping Y/n was facing him and she looked beautiful. Her face was stone and she was like a doll. He crawled into the bed and caressed her face with his index finger. He then kissed her nose and fell back asleep.

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