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Anne and Robin arrived the next day and it was wonderful for Harry and Y/n both. Harry was busy recording but Y/n was going with him today to the studio. "I'm so excited for you to see what's been going on. It's a little different than One Direction." Y/n smiled and held Harry hand as they drove down. "I'm excited too. Seeing you work is so...attractive." Harry held Y/n's hand tighter. "We'll get ready to be really attracted to me because I'm gonna work my ass off today." The couple arrived at the studio and Y/n planted herself in a chair a good distance from Harry se he can work. A man walked in with short hair and seemed kind of out of place. "Mitch!" Y/n realized it was the guy Harry was talking about. "Whats going on, Harry?" They shook hands and Harry directed them towards Y/n. "Mitch this is Y/n, my wife and my life. Y/n this is Mitch. One of the greatest guitarists ever." Harry and Mitch got right to work, and others started to come in making them room hot. Harry went into the booth and started recording.

"We never learn we've been here before, why are we always fucking running from the bullets."

Harry stopped recording and one of the producers made a suggestion. "Harry, instead of "fucking running" try just "running from" the bullets. See how that goes." Harry nodded and liked that ever more. At that moment Y/n remembered how famous Harry really is and how talented. He never sang in front of her or anything so sometimes she forgets that he's a singer. His voice is beautiful. Harry looked over at her her and smiled wide. He winked at her and she blushed. He came out of the studio and sat on the couch across from her. She snapped a picture of him, knowing how in the zone he was.

He noticed and went over to her, grabbing her hand

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He noticed and went over to her, grabbing her hand. "Beautiful picture, baby. We should get that framed." He kissed her forehead and got up again only to record snippets of other songs.

"Same lips red same eyes blue same white shirt couple more tattoos..."

Y/n realized it was about a girl but not her. She was confused but she didn't want to bring it up. Mitch looked at her and knew what was wrong, thankfully. "I asked him to write this one too. About an old girlfriend of mine." Y/n was relieved but it was a crazy thing to worry over. Harry took another break and asked Y/n to come outside with him. "So what do you think so far?" Y/n walked alongside Harry, almost speechless. "Very pretty music. I love the lyrics and Mitch told me about the other song you wrote for him. That's really sweet of you." Harry held her hand and swung it around sweetly. "I'm just a sweetheart I know. But the next fast paced, but I've showed you some of it already. Just this time with music." Y/n wasn't sure what he meant but she held on for dear life when Harry went back in to record parts.

Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't you take home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about it
She's an angel
Only angel
She's an angel
My only angel

Y/n was so in love with this man. He winked at her when finished, thankfully for the day. It was kind of a short day, and tomorrow they would start piecing songs together. "Great job everyone. At this rate we might have this out less than a year." Harry told everyone bye and left him and Y/n alone in the studio. "What you think?" Y/n walked to Harry and put her arms around his neck. "I think that Only Angel song has potential and it made me really horny for some reason." Harry was a little shocked but loved the words coming out of her mouth. "Oh really? You know this studio is sound proof? Let's go in." Harry started kissing Y/n's neck but she didn't want to do it there. "No I want to go back to our room. And I want you to break my back."  Harry bit his lip and asked Y/n for a kiss before they left. Their lips met and Harry could have taken her right there but he composed himself. Barely. He was attracted to Y/n 24/7 365 but lately he's been out of his mind for her. "We're lucky mum and Robin have both kids out on a boat for the day or else I wouldn't be able to do nasty things to you."
   The drive home was unbearable for both of them. Walking into the house without clawing each other was next to impossible and right when Harry shut the door Y/n was on him. He picked her up and kissed her. He went from her lips to her chest. He put her on the counter and spread her legs so he could get between them. "You really need to get those shorts off so daddy can play." Y/n reached down and unzipped her shorts and she had no underwear on. "You sneaky thing. And naughty." Harry inserted two fingers into Y/n and she gasped, feeling pleasure instantly. She put her chin on Harry shoulder and then started to bite him. Once her stopped he leaned down and went crazy on her. His tongue once moved up and down, side to side and any other possible. Y/n screamed in pleasure on the counter but wanted to move to the bed so Harry could do whatever he wanted. Harry started to carry her into the bedroom but surprised her by entering her as he carried her. He raised her up and down and put her against the wall for better leverage. "Oh my god!" Y/n and Harry has never done that before and she didn't want it to be the last time. She put her hands on his shoulders while he kept pumping in and out of her. "Now to the bed so I can finish what I started." Harry put her on the bed, still inside of her and continued to fuck her. He pulled back and went back to eat her, making her legs shake the pleasure. When Harry focused on her clit it really made Y/n wild. "I'm gonna cum." Harry had his face buried into her, ready to taste her. She came onto his tongue and he loved it. He entered her again, throbbing for needing a release himself. He fucked her over and over again and they heard a crack and the bed moved. "Harry, did we just break the bed?" Still inside her, he stopped and looked at her. "Yep." They continued and Y/n came again along with Harry. Harry yelled so loud Y/n thought she was going to have to cover his mouth. "We already broke the bed we don't want to anger anyone." He kissed her again and fell over next to her. "Why don't we do that more?" Y/n cuddled up to Harry, already laughing at her answer. "Well, if you play Only Angel more we might. I love it." Harry was still out of breath, trying to lay with her on the broken bed. "Noted."

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