Oh no

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Four hours later

Y/n was startled awake with the sounds of people running into Isaiah's room. Before she knew it she couldn't see her boy anymore and doctors surrounded the baby completely. Buzzers and ringers kept going off making Y/ns eyes spiral. "Ma'am I need you to leave the room." Y/n slowly exited the room without fight and let the doctors work on the baby. She sat down in shock and waited until the doctor came out and sat next to her. "Mrs. Styles. Your son went into cardiac arrest. We got him back but we had to tube him. Do you know what that is?" Y/n started getting upset and shaking her head no. "It's where the heart stops and the person loses consciousness. We will need to keep him longer to determine what caused all of this. Are you alone right now?" Y/n felt like her heart was stomped on and she couldn't speak. "My..my husband is at a conference. A...uh... he's not here." The doctor walked Y/n over to Isaiah and she took a look at him. He had wires all over him and a tube in his mouth. "He's stable. We will keep a close eye on him to make sure this doesn't happen again. Is there anyone you need to call?" Y/n called Harry but she didn't want him to freak out. "Whats wrong?" Y/n started crying and Harry was getting anxious. "Y/n tell me what's wrong." Y/n almost couldn't get her words out. "He..he went into cardiac arrest. I didn't know what was happening. So many alarms and loud footsteps." Harry was walking around backstage just before the panel started. He couldn't leave it would break his contract. "Sweetheart listen. I can't leave right now. I have to stay here." Y/n started crying hysterically, wanting Harry with her. "I know you're scared. I'm scared but we have to be brave for Isaiah. I'll call mum as soon as I get off the phone and tell her so she can keep Darcy." Harry's name was called and everyone screamed and clapped and he had to go. "I love you. I'll be on the plane back as soon as I step off this stage." Y/n heard Harry hang up and slowly got herself back together.
     She held her boys hand until he slowly started to wake up. Hours went by and he was moving little by little. She let the nurses know and stepped back, hoping to take the tube out of his throat. Harry texted her letting her know he was on his way. Hours flew by, feeling like Deja Vu. They were having such an amazing time and then horror struck. The nurses did remove the tube from Isaiah and let him breathe on his own. He was slightly awake and looking for his mommy and daddy. "Hi baby." Her little baby looked her in the eyes and started to tear up. "Oh no baby it's okay. Shhh." Y/n brushed his forehead slightly and instantly calming Isaiah. "Your rash does look a bit better I bet it feels better. You better not scare mommy like that again." Y/n reached down and kissed his forehead, making him smile. "When can I pick him up?" The nurse was checking the machines as she answered Y/n. "I would say tomorrow. The doctor wants to monitor him a little more and then you should be able to. Is there anything you need?" Y/n was getting slightly hungry. She hadn't eaten in about a day. "Could I get a snack? I haven't eaten for a while. My nerves have taken a tole on my stomach." The nurse nodded, saying she will bring her some lunch. Time passed and Y/n was waiting on her food. Isaiah was able to sit up slightly and play with some toys the hospital had. Harry was close, only an hour away and Y/n was getting anxious again. The nurse brought her some food and she ate it all. Her hair was greasy, she looked a mess but she didn't care.


HARRY: I'm here. Coming up now.

Y/n waited on Harry next to Isaiah and he walked into the room. As soon as she laid eyes on him her eyes flooded. He dropped his bags and ran to Isaiah's side next to Y/n. He put his arm around Y/n and looked at his boy. "How is he?" Y/n turned around and hugged Harry tight. "He's stable and feeling a little better. He's missed you." Harry kissed Y/ns forehead and rubbed her back. "I'm not going anywhere now. I'm sorry I had to go. This is just like last time." Y/n looked at Harry with easy eyes. "Doesn't matter. It only matters that you're here now." Isaiah slept a little longer and the doctor came in to check him. "He's looking better with more color to him. I'd like to keep him a week to do tests and to monitor. We will see where we are then." Harry bought Y/n some clothes and she took a shower in the room. Harry FaceTimed Darcy while she was in the shower. "Where bubby?" Harry panned the camera on Isaiah who was still resting. "Is he better, daddy?" Harry smiled at Darcy, not wanting to tell her the complete truth. "Yeah baby he's better. We have to be here a couple more days and then we will be home." Darcy smiled but then looked upset. "Miss mommy and daddy." Harry's eyes melted and he smiled at Darcy through the screen. "We miss you more. Why don't I send you some of daddy's songs? So you can hear me when you go to sleep." Darcy liked that idea and sent them to Anne. She didn't like to sleep without Harry and Y/n around so this was hard for her. "I have to go, baby girl. Mommy will call you in a little bit, okay?" Darcy hung up and Harry leaned his head back and sighed. Y/n was still in the shower taking her time. Harry started to cry and rubbed his face. He wasn't stressed out about much but he couldn't STAND seeing his baby sick. He was crying hard but he had to get himself together. He was the strong one that carried his family. He needed to show Y/n how strong he is. He didn't know but she was standing in the doorway of the bathroom watching him. "It's okay to cry, Harry." He snapped his head back and looked at Y/n. "I know but it's so hard. I feel like I'm being pulled every way possible. The record, the movie and now this. I need a break." Y/n wasn't sure what he was saying but she was scared to ask. "I don't wanna be in the public eye anymore. Not until this record is announced and I have to do promo. I want to relax and have time with you. Watch Isaiah and Darcy grow and be happy. Travel and not worry about leaving in the middle. The record is finished and it'll take awhile to edit and fill out all the track list. That's easy but I'm gonna do it at home. I don't wanna be anywhere else but at home with you. I'm taking my own hiatus."

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