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One months later

Harry had been gone for a month to film Dunkirk and Y/n was in peril. She missed him a lot and he missed her too. They talked as much as Harry was allowed and FaceTimed so he could see his babies. Harry wanted Y/n to visit in the next few days, so he made a plan. "I have a four day weekend. They have to do a few things to the boats so they gave us time off. I have to do a scene or two but then I'm off. Come see me. Please." Y/n was getting ready for bed, both babies already asleep in their beds. "What about the babies? Don't you want to see them too?" Harry was laying across the bed in his hotel room. "Of course I do. You know I do, but they are only allowing one person to come. I need you, baby." Y/n was in the bedroom now, taking off her makeup. "When will I be going?" Harry smiled so hard Y/n could feel it through her phone. "Tomorrow. I already talked to mum and she is going to watch Darcy and Isaiah. Hey, I got some writing done I want to show you when you get here. I think you'll like it." Y/n agreed with Harry and he told her the car will be there at noon and she'd be with Harry by nighttime. "How did you know I'd come?" She could hear him giggle on the other end. "Because you love me."


Y/n was on her way to see Harry. Actually, the trip was about two hours ahead of what it should have been. The driver showed up early and Y/n was ready. To Y/n it felt like the first time she went to see Harry when they were together only a month or two. He had no idea that she was going to be there early so she decided to wait in his trailer and surprise him. Y/n made is to his trailer undetected and waited for about an hour. She was on her phone and the door opened. Harry entered with his short hair and a white shirt covered in dirt and a khaki soldier uniform. He didn't notice her and went the other way from her. He signed and checked his phone and went to the bathroom. She giggled a little and sat quietly. He came out and still didn't see her so she spoke. "Are you not going to say anything to your wife?" Harry jumped a little and look at Y/n and smiled as she got up. He ran to her and picked her up, legs wrapping around his waits. "Oh my god my baby. I didn't think you'd be here for another few hours?" Y/n pulled away, still sitting in Harry's arms. He sat down, her now sitting on his lap. "The car came early and I was ready so we left, I wanted to surprise you. Did it work?" Harry cupped Y/n's face and smiled. "It did, you sneaky thing." The two leaned in and kissed for the first time in a month and Harry had his hands all over Y/n. They melted into each other, both not realizing how much they missed each other. She ended up on his lap,  Harry mumbled and pulled away. "Baby believe me I want to. I want to so bad but not here. That door doesn't lock and I don't want to risk anyone walking in. I have one more scene to shoot and then we will go, okay?" Y/n slid off of Harry's lap and onto the couch. "I just had to use the restroom but I have to go back. An hour or so, okay?" Harry kissed Y/n's cheek and he left her again. She patted her sides and looked around the trailer. She looked at the little bed in the back and noticed a few pictures of Harry and Y/n back when she was pregnant with Darcy and one when they first met at the viaduct. They had grown so much since then. He had pictures of Isaiah and Darcy and together and a few of him and Y/n holding their babies. It almost made her cry. She laid on the bed and started to feel sleepy.
      She fell asleep and when she woke up Harry was with her, cuddled up to her. "Are you ready to go, sleepy girl? This kinda brings me back to the band days." Y/n cuddled into his chest and didn't want to move. "I hate to move you, darling but the car is waiting to take us back to the hotel." Y/n leaned back and Harry's face. "You're cute." Harry's smile grew and his dimple did too. "Not as cute as you. Now come on, I wanna have fun at the hotel." Y/n was slow to get up but she finally did, still half asleep. Harry opened the car door for her and let her in, him following. "Are you awake now?" Y/n shook her head yes and got in, Harry following close behind her. "So are you happy to see me?" Harry laughed and looked at her. "Of course I am. You're the one person besides the babies I'd want to see the most." Y/n looked at the window and watched people and cars pass her. She couldn't wait to be with Harry alone and to have time for themselves. They pulled into the hotel and the paparazzi was there and got pictures of Harry and Y/n going into the hotel. As soon as Harry closed the door he slithered over to Y/n, pulling her close to him. He hugged her tight and caressed her back and she meshed right into him. They didn't speak a word until Harry took a breath and she heard how deep voice break the silence. "Finally."

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