Happy birthday, Isaiah

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Today was Isaiah's birthday and he was turning one. Y/n got up and planned on getting him up but Harry beat her to it. He already had him changed and ready for his day. Y/n quietly walked into the living room area and noticed Harry had a pen and paper and his guitar by his side. "Sweet Creature...had another...walk? No. Shock? Fuck, no. Isaiah, help daddy. What should come after Sweet Creature?" Isaiah wobbled around and gabbed a little and it hit Harry with an idea. "Sweet Creature...had another talk about where it's going wrong. And...no...but we're still young . We don't know where we're going. But I...we know where we belong." Y/n stood and listened watching Harry include the baby in his song writing process. He put down his guitar and pen, and picked up the baby, sitting him on his chest. "Happy birthday, little man. We've had a busy year, haven't we? Well this next year is going to be even better. Your mommy just doesn't know it yet." He kissed Isaiah's head and sat him down on the couch and start writing again. He was stuck so he stopped again to get him a bottle of water and Y/n entered as if she wasn't listening the whole time. "Hey." Harry finished his water and smiled at her. "Hi. You sleep well?" Y/n nodded and went over to the fridge next to Harry to fix breakfast. Harry puffed his lips out for a kiss and Y/n gave him one but she pulled away too soon for him. "Hey now, I expect a full kiss later." He smacked her butt and walked away to Isaiah and picked him up. "There's my birthday boy. We're gonna have fun today. Gonna go swimming and have cake." Harry looked at Y/n, and asked her a question. "Is it okay if we film the smallest amount for the documentary? I wanted to ask you first." Y/n wasn't sure but Harry had been good about separating work from home with filming. "I suppose it's okay. Not for the whole time though" Harry texted the producer and put his phone away. "So part is at one and they will only be here an hour. Darcy waddled into the kitchen with her hair a mess, looking like Harry did with long hair. "Missy you look like you got struck by lightning." Darcy yawned and wanted Y/n to help her in her chair. She sat with her arms over her face waiting on her food. Y/n fixed eggs and toast for Isaiah, Darcy and Harry. She only wanted a bowl of oatmeal so she ate that and did her dishes. "Hello?" Anne came through the door with gifts and the cake. Harry ran over to her and grabbed the gifts and put them in one of the spare bedroom. "There's my babies." Annie put the cake down and kissed Y/Ns cheek and gave the babies kisses. "Happy birthday my little boy." Anne went to him automatically and kissed Darcy on the head. "Are you still waking up, Darcy?" Darcy rubbed her eyes while leaving the table and laid on the couch. "So how many people are coming today?" Harry drank more water and answered his mother. "Only us and a few cameras for the documentary. Oh, and Mitch. He's helping on the album but seems really cool. I think it would be nice to get a sprinkle of our personal lives for it." Y/n finished her bowl and put her dishes in the dish washer and took Darcy to get her a bath and dressed. "Mommy?" Y/n washed her hair and was ready for whatever Darcy was going to ask her. "Yes baby?" Darcy wiped some water from her eyes and picked up her toys in the water. "Am I still baby?" Y/n sighed and looked at Darcy. "Of course you are. You're our first baby and one half of our heart. Never think that you're not, okay?" Darcy was happy with that answer (or as happy a two year old could be.) Harry was cleaning off the table and getting things set up for the party. The camera crew came for a little while and recorded the family for a little bit. Surprisingly everything went fine without any crying kids. Darcy got a little jealous and started whining but Robin kept her calm with some new toys they brought with them. Isaiah had his own little cake to play and eat and Y/n took some pictures with a little outfit she had and balloons.

Harry wanted a picture with Y/n and the two babies so Anne took one to post to instagram

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Harry wanted a picture with Y/n and the two babies so Anne took one to post to instagram.


Happy birthday to our favorite boy. We love you so much and we cant wait to see you grow even more. ❤️


Harry said goodbye to the camera crew and turned around to Isaiah sitting on Mitch's lap playing with his shirt. "I think he likes you, Mitch." Mitchel laughed and gave the baby to Y/n. "Yeah I think so. You two have some pretty cute kids." Darcy was playing with some of Isaiah's toys and her brother joined her. "I'll see you in a few days, Harry. See you later, Y/n." Y/n waved bye to Mitch and he left, leaving them the mess to clean up. "Well that was fun. But I'm so glad it's over." Robin and Anne left to go to their hotel and finally it was quiet in their little house. Darcy and Isaiah got a bath and was put to bed and was out almost instantly. "I'm so ready for bed. Like so so ready." Harry put his arm around her waist and kissed her temple. "Me too. Swimming soon?

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